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She said you could stop thinking about funerals well enough when you wanted. You did forget sometimes when nice things happened; when you went to see Mrs. Farmer's baby undressed, and when Isabel Batty came to tea. Isabel was almost a baby. It felt nice to lift her and curl up her stiff, barley-sugar hair and sponge her weak, pink silk hands. And there were things that you could do.

"Don't you go raking up old muck with me, you rotten big poisoner!" roared McQuiggan: "or you'll get the hot end of it. How about that girl that went batty after taking Cert " "Wait a moment! Father! Please!" Hal broke in, aghast at this display. "We're not discussing the medical business. We're talking advertising. McQuiggan, yours is refused. We don't run that class of matter in the 'Clarion."

Batty, standing at the garden door to greet her guests, was obliged to wipe her face surreptitiously now and then, while the statues in the hall, with their burdens of ferns and lamps, showed their cool limbs beneath their scanty but still decent drapery. Mrs. Batty took Sophia to a seat under a tree and Henrietta stood for a moment in the blazing sunlight alone. Where was Aunt Rose?

She felt uplifted, better than herself, yet she could not resist speculating on her probable feelings if another than Charles Batty, if, for instance, Francis Sales, had poured that rhapsody into the night. Early one October afternoon, Rose Mallett rode to Sales Hall.

Their branches, when I found them, waved like spirit arms, and I could hear the wind whispering and sighing among the topmost branches. Now and then what we call in Scotland a "batty bird" skimmed past my face, attracted, I suppose, by the bright light.

"Well, I do say!" she said; and Maurice, pausing at the voice in the dark, began a brief, "Excuse me; I stumbled " saw who it was, and said, "Why, Miss Lily! How are you? I haven't seen you for an age!" She answered with some small jocosity; then suddenly struck her little fist on the railing. "Well, I'm just miserable; that's how I am, if you want to know! Batty " Maurice frowned.

So Hal slept that night contentedly, with never a dream of the storm that would burst on the morrow. The first indication of the tempest was when Locke burst into his room after breakfast, with, "Hal, you must be sick! Why, man alive, you are clean batty! Shag read that address why, it is impossible!" "And why?" said Hal, glaring at him.

All our attempts to push through were vain; at length being forced by want of provisions and the approach of a very severe winter, to return to Fury Beach, where alone there remained wherewith to support life, there we arrived on the 7th of October, after a most fatiguing and laborious march, having been obliged to leave our boats at Batty Bay.

Dodge isn't at 'ome," said Baffly quickly. "All right," said the porter, pushing past the man and leading George toward a couch he had observed from the open door. "This ain't no jag, Johnny. He's sick. Out of his head. Batty. Say, don't you know him? Am I in wrong? He said he wanted to come here to—" George had tossed himself, sprawling, upon the long couch.

No it ain't, I tell you; after that, it's the bughouse for yours. It's the thinking, it's the thinking that does it every time. It's the last stage, George. You'll be clean, plumb batty inside o' six months." The dog got up, after two unsuccessful attempts. Never did I see such a strange sight in any animal. He put out one paw and staggered to the right.