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The contact evidently titillated her, for she wiggled her bottom and begged me 'l'enculer. Without any further ceremony I moistened the head of my instrument and, separating the two cheeks of her fesses, I forced my vit into the narrow passage. She aided me by every means in her power, raising her buttocks to meet my attack. In a moment I was plunged au fond de son cul. "How delicious it was.

"'Deed ye're richt eneuch, there, my son!" answered the old man. Then after a pause he resumed. "It's aye siller or banes 'at fesses them back. I can weel un'erstan' a great reluctance to tak their last leave o' the siller, but for the banes eh, but I'll be unoo pleased to be rid o' mine!" "But whaur banes are concernt, hasna there aye been fause play?" suggested Cosmo.

"Toutes les parties superieures de leurs cuisses et le grand espace nu de leurs fesses sont egalement colores du rouge le plus vif, avec un melange de bleu qui ne manque reellement pas d'elegance." Gervais, 'Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes, 1854, p. 103. Also Desmarest, 'Mammalogie, p. 70. Geoffroy St.-Hilaire and F. Cuvier, 'Hist.

"De'il ane o' them, my Lord; but I wad hae him no trouble the likes o' me 'at fesses the fish to your lordship's brakwast: sic 's no like to be efter mischeef." "There is some glimmer of sense in what you say," returned his lordship. "But you know it won't do to let anybody that pleases get over the park walls. Why didn't you go out at the gate?"

"If he really pushed me from the train," muttered Prescott to himself, "I hope Haynes worries about it until he fesses cold in some study and so has to leave the Military Academy. For he'll never be fit to be an officer. He couldn't command other men with justice."

And Modern Italian preserves a difference between fico and fica. Sect. 2; and the famous epitaph on the Jesuit, Ci-git un Jesuite: Passant, serre les fesses et passe vite! "Kiblah"=the fronting-place of prayer, Meccah for Moslems, Jerusalem for Jews and early Christians. Usually this is understood as meaning in any posture, standing or sitting, lying, backwards or forwards. St.

"I tell you what to do, Herbert," said I "use French terms, that will be an excellent way of getting over the difficulty." "A good idea, Kate and I will follow it. When I want to speak of the throne of Venus I will use the word 'Con. When I refer to man's organ I will say 'Vit' the buttocks I will call the 'Fesses' and 'Cul' indiscriminately.

In two niches, made in the arbour-work, in the form of porticoes, which Cupids are crowning with garlands, are placed two statues from the antique, the one representing Venus pudica, and the other, Venus callypyga, or aux belles fesses: mirrors, placed in the niches, reflect beauties which the eye could not discover.

Were a New Hollander to portray his mistress, he would draw her the 'Venus aux belles fesses'. Whenever Baneelon described to us his favourite fair, he always painted her in this, and another particular, as eminently luxuriant.

And then he saves another fellow from drowning or something and it turns out that it was that fellow who did it, you know, and he goes and fesses up to the principal and the principal asks the hero's pardon in class and the captain of the football team comes to him and begs him to play quarter-back or something, which he does, and the school wins its big game because the hero gets the ball and runs the length of the field with it and scores a touchdown.