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He became very friendly with Hank Odell; helped him repair his broken machine, went with him to vaudeville, or stood with him before the hangar, watching the automobile parties of pretty girls with lordly chaperons that came to call on Grahame-White and Drexel. "Some heart-winners, them guys, but I back my boss against them and ev'body else, Hank," Martin would say.

"But with their own people they're great speech-makers." "G'wan," objected Buck Higgins. "Who ever heard of a Injun talkin' much." "Yes, siree," Bill declared. "They're great talkers 'mongst folks they knows and trusts. Why, at their pow-wows they're reg'lar orators. Ev'body knows that what's had a lot t' do with 'em, same as me.

The teacher of Economics bowed to the flushed youth and buried himself in a book. It was not till they both rose to leave at the University station that he noticed the condition of Farnum. Even then he stood in momentary doubt. With a maudlin laugh Jeff quieted any possible explanation of sickness. "Been havin' little spree down town, Profeshor. Good deal like one ev'body been havin' out here.

"I have been in Bohemia," he said, "zhenuine old Bohemia where hearts are true and eyes are blue and ev'body loves ev'body else. Down there a handclasp is a pledzh of loyalty. There's no hypocrisy in Bohemia not a dambit. No, sirree. The idle rish with their shnobberies and worship of mere mere someshing or oth' have no place in Bohemia, for in Bohemia hearsh are true and wine is blue and "

He raised the hatch of his storm-tossed vessel and made the inquiry that cabbies do make in the park. "Like shtop at the Cas-sino, lady? Gezzer r'freshm's, 'n lish'n the music. Ev'body shtops." "I think that would be nice," said the fare. They reined up with a plunge at the Casino entrance. The cab doors flew open. The fare stepped directly upon the floor.

"I know that, too," said Bill. "That thing I was sayin' is what's called a figger o' speech. Same as 'independent as a hog on ice, or 'dead as a door nail. Ev'body knows them things ain't independent or dead. It's just a fancy way o' expressin' yourself. Can't you give a feller credit for no 'magination?" "Oh, you got 'magination all right," Shorty agreed.

"If a man bought a place he'd have to watch it all the time, then?" "Suah, sah." "Thank you," was the reply, "I'll take some place in shallow water where I can build a house and hire some fellow to watch it and work it." "Ain' no trouble hyeh," the boatman said, shrugging his shoulders, "ev'body wo'k his own patch." "But how do you get the sponges?" was the query.

She saw Erik passing the house, late, alone, and she stared after him, longing for the lively bitterness of the things he would say about the town. Kennicott had nothing for her but "Oh, course, ev'body likes a juicy story, but they don't intend to be mean." She went up to bed proving to herself that the members of the school-board were superior men.

You's at Wa'trace Hall Mahsteh Majah's new country-house; yes, sah; dat's whah you is kee-hee!" "And who is 'Master Major'?" pressed Blount, whose bewilderment grew with every fresh attempt to dispel it. "A-ain't she tell you dat? kee-hee! Ev'body knows Mahsteh Majah; yes, sah. If de mistis ain't tell you, ol' Barnabas ain't gwine to no, sah.

"Y'see wouldn't tell ev'body only you," and he laid a mighty hand on Reed's shoulder. "I'm so drunk. Awful pity too bad," and he sighed deeply. "Now, Recky, ol' man, take's home." "Who's your friend, Billy?" Rex inquired, disregarding this appeal. Billy burst into a shout of laughter which Fairfax promptly clipped by putting his hand over the big man's mouth.