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Je n'i quier entrer, mais que j'aie Nicolete, ma très douce amie que j'aime tant.... Mais en enfer voil jou aler. I seek not to enter there, so that I have Nicolette, my most sweet friend, whom I love so well.... But to Hell will I go.

As we crossed the river and entered the Enfer Street, crowds of students, black workmen, and more drunken devils from more carnival balls, were filling it; and on the grand place there were thousands of these assembled, looking out for Fiaschi and his cortege.

And in fact the two little good-for-nothings had been for the last hour searching for all the vermin they could find on themselves, and throwing it on us. I had the two little beggars caught, and they got a well-deserved correction. There was a crevasse which was called the "Enfer du Plogoff."

The balloon went up majestically, passed over the Isle of Swans, crossed the Seine at the Conference barrier, and, drifting between the dome of the Invalides and the Military School, approached the Church of Saint Sulpice. Then the aeronauts added to the fire, crossed the Boulevard, and descended beyond the Enfer barrier.

"I ran to my room, fetched my revolver, slipped it into my pocket, and hurried to the front door. The landlord heard me trying to undo the bolts, and came out protesting. "'M'sieu cannot go out into the storm. "'I must. "'But m'sieu does not know what Beni-Kouidar is like when the sand is blown on the wind. It is enfer. Besides, it is not safe. In the darkness m'sieu may receive a mauvais coup.

A man carrying a drum on his back began to run with all his might round the holy Sepulchre, and another running in the same manner struck it with two sticks; and when he was tired, another immediately took his place. "Il semble qu' on soit dans un enfer, et que ce soient tout autant de diables déchainès." But enough of this unedifying scene, of which the Abbé Geramb gives a similar account.

De Smythe stated that the next time he allowed the young people to turn his maison topsy-turvy he would see them in enfer. He wished to know if they were aware that some ass of the evening before had broken a pane of coloured glass in the hall that would cost him four dollars. Did they think he was made of argent. If so, they never made a bigger mistake in their vie.

"'Make haste, please, and open the door. I am going to fetch my friend. "He pulled the bolts, grumbling and swearing, and I went out into enfer. For he was right. A sandstorm at night in Beni-Kouidar is hell.

Il s'eleva apres a l'empire des genies du ciel, prononca les six syllabes et detruisit l'envie qui les tourmente pour se disputer et se combattre. "Ici, il apercut la mer d' 'Otang' comme un enfer terrible, et il vit que derechef, plusieurs millions d'etres y'etaient, bouillis, brules, et martyrises.

"It differs hugely from the old temple of chance on the edge of the Continent that enfer sur terre set amid a paradis. There is no ornate concert-room here, or theatre or opera house. There is not even a salon for gossip and smoke and exercise. The whole is one enormous salle de jeu, and the clink of gold against yellow gold is the only instrumental music.