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Is there anything I can do for you, Mr ?" "Smythe, sir, is my name," replied the other. "I am the ah chaplain." "So I see, sir," said Joe, drily, glancing at his canonicals. "Glad to have the pleasure of making your acquaintance, Mr Smith." "`Smythe, that is `Smith' with a final `e, if you please," corrected the reverend gentleman in a plaintive tone. "My name is not `Smith, Mr Jellyboy."

"Can you do them at the side table? I am cooking in the sitting-room this morning. It was so hot in the kitchen. Miss Smythe will be in presently. She has a message for you from Clare." It was rather difficult to work at the side table, which was small and decidedly rickety; but Rhoda made no objection.

The men were drawn up in line, two deep, in open order, ready for inspection, and the captain and commander were just about descending from the poop to go round the ranks; when, up came the Reverend Mr Smythe on the quarter-deck in his complete clerical regalia, only now with his college cap on, which, when I had seen him before by the main hatchway, he had carried in his hand.

"As I was saying, when interrupted," he began, continuing to minister to the sombrero, "you see I am an accomplished horseman." Marion and Hillyer broke out in uncontrollable laughter. Then Hillyer hastened to assist Smythe to rise. "Not hurt, I hope?" said Robert. "Objectively, no. Subjectively, yes. Sartorially, a wreck."

"How," this puzzled spirit has asked, "shall I address a friend of mine who, besides being a person of civil condition, with a right to the respect that we like to show people of standing in directing our letters to them, has the distinction of being a doctor of philosophy, of letters, and of laws by the vote of several great universities? Shall I greet him as, say, Smythe Johnes, Esq., or Dr.

Hillyer stopped the machine, and cut off the power. But the pony's suspicions had been thoroughly aroused, and the sudden silence seemed to him more portentous than even the noise of the motor. Smythe thereupon had his work cut out for him, but he would not compromise either by dismounting, or by turning and riding away.

Also she showed Montague a number of books with very costly bindings, in which were demonstrated the unity, simplicity, and immortality of the souls of cats and dogs. Apparently the sentimental Mrs. Smythe was willing to talk about these pets all through dinner; and so was her aunt, a thin and angular spinster, who sat on Montague's other side.

She would not even allow herself to think how she could have offended Tom, or what the explanation of his changed manner could be. She picked out the hardest examples in Complex Fractions she could find, and concentrated her mind on them. She was still working when Wilmot came to her door. "Miss Rose and Miss Smythe have not come home, miss. Shall I send in tea? It is past six o'clock."

The first time I had addressed him by name many years before a sense of delicacy had impelled me to shorten the vowel, also to slur the first syllable, whilst placing a strong accent on the second. But he had corrected me, just as promptly as Mr. Smythe would have done if I had called him Smith, and far more civilly.

"Yet there's a look in her eyes of Uncle Basil," Elinor amended, brushing straight hair of a nondescript brown, which she admired because it was long. "With such a combination of qualities as she'll probably develop, she'd much better have stayed in her convent," the elder woman went on. "I wish to goodness she had," snapped Elinor. "You are er thinking of Doctor Smythe, dear?"