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Dolf dropped speechless in a chair, while the rest poured out floods of questions, which Clorinda was in no state to answer. "Was yer money in dat bank?" "Ise gwine to York; get my bunnit!" They fairly shook her, the general curiosity was so great. "Why don't yer speak?" said Vic. "Was yer money in de bank?" "Yis; ebery red cent. Oh! oh! Five hundred dollars and it's a all g gone!" she sobbed.

He had one favorite tune to which he had fitted words of his own, and at the end of each verse he made a ludicrous step which in time came to be known as "rocking the heel." His refrain consisted of the words: Wheel about, turn about, Do jis so, An' ebery time I wheel about I jump Jim Crow.

I tell you the eggs and the butter's mighty fresh this morning." "Oh, sho, chile," said Linda, "I can't read de newspapers, but ole Missus' face is newspaper nuff for me. I looks at her ebery mornin' wen she comes inter dis kitchen. Ef her face is long an' she walks kine o' droopy den I thinks things is gwine wrong for dem.

It was a curious ting dat no one did. Me did not find Sally, but me made a good deal of money, and tree more years pass away at dis work. By dis time me was nigh forty-five years old, as well as me could tell. Ebery few months me go back to Philadelphia and search dere again.

"Didn't my Lawd deliber Daniel, Didn't my Lawd deliber Daniel, An' why not ebery man? He delibered Daniel from de lions' den, An' de Hebrew Chillern from de furnace, He delibered David from de han' of Saul, An' why not ebery man?" Rand turned into Governor Street, climbed its white ascent, and struck across the Capitol Square.

She sent for me, she did, and I went in, and she was lyin' on de sofa, lookin' pale as de inside of parsimmon seed, for de wedder was brilin' hot. "'Sorrow, said she. "'Yes, Missus, said I. "'Put the pillar under my head. Dat is right, said she; 'tank you, Sorrow. "Oh, Massa, how different she was from abulitinists to Boston. She always said Tankee, for ebery ting.

"I tink one ting," observed Nub, who, after he had deposited a bundle of faggots near the fire, had come back to watch the proceedings. "I tink that he make bery good roast, and remarkably fine stew, if we had salt and pepper, and a few oder tings to eat wid him. I bery glad if we catch one of dese beasts ebery oder day."

"Now I tell yer what 'tis, mas'r, I'se made up my mine to put out ob heah. I'se gwine ter jine de Linkum men fust chance I gits. An' if yer'll wait an' trus' me, I'll take yer slick and clean; fer I know dis yer country and ebery hole whar ter hide well as a fox. If I gits safe ter de Linkum folks, yer'll say a good word fer Iss, I reckon." "Indeed, I will.

He too fur off; but a friend ob mine was near, an' he say dat Conrad swing de long sword so quick, an' de sun was shinin' so clar, dat it look like a circle ob fire all round him. Down dey hoed on ebery side. Off goed a head here, an arm dere. One trooper cut troo at de waist, an' fall'd off, but de legs stick on.

Half rising from her former position, and looking earnestly in the face of her humble instructor, which was beaming with her own admiration of the glorious works and power of the Lord, she exclaimed vehemently, "That Lord, who's him? I's never heerd of him afore." "Laws, honey, don' ye know? He's de great Lord of heaben and earf, dat made you and me and ebery body else.