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She became Kate's servant under an inducement which I will give in her own words. "Massy! Miss Catline, when I does a pusson a good turn, seems like I wants to keep on doin' 'em good turns. I didn't do so dreffle much for you, but I jes got one chance to help you a bit, and seems like I couldn't be satisfactioned to let you alone no more."

"It was bad enough to come to this terrible place without you two boys going and running into all kinds of risks, and getting yourselves nearly killed. I don't know what the captain has been about, I'm sure." "About here," I said, good-humouredly. "But tell me at once, sir. What do you mean about being as bad as that impudent black boy?" "Oh, only that I'm dreffle hungry," I said, laughing.

Before Mrs. Jo could refuse these insatiable Oliver Twists, Rob walked into the room trailing his little bed-cover after him, and wearing an expression of great sweetness as he said, steering straight to his mother as a sure haven of refuge, "I heard a great noise, and I thought sumfin dreffle might have happened, so I came to see."

"Now, honey, you jes' took de words out'n my mouth 'bout you. You'se lookin' po'ly, an' I'se dreffle 'feared you'se gwine ter get beat ont. You want help mo'n me, an' I'se had it on my min' ter talk wid you." "Oh, Aun' Sheba, I'm very well," protested Mara, yet glad to think that her paleness and languor were ascribed to fatigue.

"An' then he telled us about the day when this preacher come along by the lake a dreffle sightly place, this min'ster said; he 'd seed it hisself when he was trav'lin' in them countries an' come acrost two men he knowed well; they was brothers, an' they was a-fishin'. An' he jest asked 'em in his pleasant-spoken, frien'ly way there wa'n't never sech a drawin', takin', lovin' way with any one afore as this man had, the min'ster said he jest asked 'em to come along with him; an' they lay down their poles an' their lines an' everythin', an' jined him.

As Gulliver spoke, he looked up at the little black face bent over him, and saw tears in the child's sad eyes; but she smiled at him, and shook her fuzzy head, as she whispered kindly: "I don't want no tanks, birdie: I loves to let you go, kase you's a slave, like I was once; and it's a dreffle hard ting, I knows. I got away, and I means you shall.

"Now, Mass' George," said Pomp, as we stood at the foot of the tree, and stamped about to get rid of the stiffness, and cold brought on by our cramped position on the branch, "de fuss ting am breckfuss. I so dreffle hungry." "But we ate everything last night," I said. "Neb mind; plenty duck in de ribber. You go shoot four lil duck, dat two piece, while Pomp make fire to roace um."

I 've oft'n thought how dreffle tickled that boy must 'a' ben to have him take them fish. Mebbe they wa'n't nothin' but shiners, but the fust the little feller 'd ever ketched; an' boys set a heap on their fust ketch. He was dreffle good to child'en, ye know. An' who 'd he come to a'ter he 'd died, an' ris agin?

"I dreffle glad we come an' 'top out all night," he said, showing his white teeth. "Mass' George, go an' shoot more duck, an' Pomp cook um." "We haven't finished that one," I said. "No, Mass' George, no hab finish dat oder duck." "Well, go on; I've had quite enough." "Pomp had quite nuff too." "Then we'll wrap it up in the napkin, and we'll eat it by and by for lunch."

"Shoot, shoot, shoot, lot time, an' no shoot nuffum to eat. Pomp dreffle hungly." "There's plenty of bread," I said, smiling at the boy's utter unconcern about our position of peril. "Yah, 'tuff! Nas' 'tuff. Pomp too dreffle hungly eat any more bread. Why no go now and kill all Injum? Pomp fine de way."