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"Evenin', Birdie," he said bashfully. "Guess you were sewin'?" "Guess again," cried the girl readily, her eyes dancing at the contemplation of a few moments' badinage with a new candidate for her favors. "Well, you wa'an't playin' the pianner." But Birdie was quite equal to the best efforts of her candidates.

Birdie Lee answered tersely. "Keep quiet, then, and I'll see what I can do." He laid his ear against the safe, listening for the tumblers' fall, as, holding the flashlight in his left hand, its rays upon the dial, the fingers of his right began to work swiftly again with the glistening knob.

Smoke rolled out of his mouth in clouds and appeared to come up out of his belly. He was like a volcanic mountain and was called, by the men who loafed in Birdie Spinks' drug store, Smoky Pete. Smoky Pete was in more ways than one like a mountain given to eruptions. He did not get drunk, but after his wife died he got into the habit of having two or three drinks of whisky every evening.

"I'm not going," said Nance, shortly. "Don't be a short-sport, Nance," urged Birdie, peevishly. "It's as good as morning now. We can loaf around Monte's for a couple of hours and then go over to my room and change our clothes in time to get to the station by seven. Less time we have to answer questions, better it'll be for us." "I tell you I ain't going!" protested Nance, hotly.

Well, I'll show him yet!" "Ah, you don't have to tell us," sighs Anna Markovna, letting her lower, raspberry-coloured lip hang down and with a mist coming over her faded eyes. "We keep our Birdie she is in Fleisher's high school we purposely keep her in town, in a respectable family. You understand, it is awkward, after all.

Even as I am writing this for you, a sparrow, picking up crumbs of bread, comes hopping close to my feet. The crumbs feed his little life, and you know that he would soon die, starved to death like many a poor birdie in its cage, if he could get no food.

Finally Zych told Jagienka to begin; therefore Jagienka, although bashful because Zbyszko was present, rose from the bench and having put her hands under her apron, began: "If I only could get The wings like a birdie, I would fly quickly To my dearest Jasiek." Zbyszko opened his eyes wide; then he jumped up and shouted: "Where did you learn that song?" Jagienka looked at him astonished.

"Well, my valise is down a hole," said Uncle Wiggily, "but I don't see how you can get it up. I need it, though." "I can fly down, tie the string to the satchel and you can pull it up," said the birdie. And she did so, and the rabbit pulled up his valise as nicely as a bucket of water is hoisted up from the well.

Now Letitia is going to come down with a prediction that they are to become the blessings of our lives, so I am off! And as the door closed on her, Lady Adela sighed, and Mrs. Bury said 'Poor Birdie; is she always in that tone? 'Yes, said Lady Adela; 'there seems to be always a bitter spot in her heart. I am glad she should try to work it out.

'Surely it must have been awfully slow regular penal servitude! 'You confuse absence of small talk with absence of soul, Birdie. When we had once grown intimate enough to hold our tongues if we had nothing to say, we got on perfectly. 'And what you had to say was about Master Michael?