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Wouldn't you like to go and see them some day?" "Donno as I should much." "If I were to go with you, now, and explain some of them to you? I want you to take your wife and me out for a holiday.

But as fast as their blue little hands was warm an' pink again, one or two of 'em begun to whimper, natural an' human, an' up with their arm to their face, an' then begun to cry right out, an' some more joined in, an' the rest pipes up, askin' for Mr. Middie. An' I thought, 'Sp'osin' they all cried an' what if Abel Halsey stayed away hours. I donno. I done my best too.

"Waal," said Hose Ransom, "that's jess the hightonedest music we ever had to Bytown. You 're a reel player, Frenchy, that's what you are. What's your name? Where'd you come from? Where you goin' to? What brought you here, anyhow?" "MOI?" said the fiddler, dropping his bow and taking a long breath. "Mah nem Jacques Tremblay. Ah'll ben come fraum Kebeck. W'ere goin'? Ah donno.

Topsy, with her usual air of careless drollery and unconcern; but, opposite to her, Eva, her whole face fervent with feeling, and tears in her large eyes. "What does make you so bad, Topsy? Why won't you try and be good? Don't you love anybody, Topsy?" "Donno nothing 'bout love; I loves candy and sich, that's all," said Topsy. "But you love your father and mother?" "Never had none, ye know.

Aunt Ri gazed at her with a sentiment as near to veneration as her dry, humorous, practical nature was capable of feeling. "I allow I donno but I sh'd cum ter believin' in saints tew," she said, "ef I wuz ter live 'long side er thet gal. 'Pears like she wuz suthin' more 'n human. 'T beats me plum out, ther way she takes her troubles.

"I donno," said Arsene speculatively, as he and the Bishop took up their tramp behind the sled; "Dat Long Tom Lansing; he don' like Canuck. Maybe he don' lend no harness, I donno." "Oh, yes; he will surely," answered the Bishop easily. "Nobody would refuse a bit of harness in a case like this." It was full dark when they came to where Tom Lansing's cabin hid itself among the hemlocks.

"I donno what she'd do," said Ellen's mother, "with any more around here to pick up after. We're cluttered up enough, as it is." She was an old lady of whose outlines you took notice before your attention lay further upon her angled waist, chin, lips, forehead, put on her a succession of zigzags.

"I donno if you've took it in that when you're in a grave, or 'round one, your talk sort o' veers that way? Ours did. Mis' Banker Mason's baby had just died in March, an' the choir'd made an awful scandal, breakin' down in the fifth verse of 'One poor flower has drooped and faded. They'd stood 'em in a half circle where they could look right down on the little thing. An' when the choir got to

Wise acted on his own initiative from information received elsewhere, is that it?" Bucephalus scratched his woolly head, and answered: "Ah donno abo't de inflammation an' de oder misery, sah. Am it so bad as all dat, sah?" "I mean that he did it on his own account, and not because of anything that you may have told him." "All reckon so, sah," said Bucephalus, greatly relieved.

Adelle knew that he was referring to what had occurred earlier in the day between them, and throwing the blame for his dislodgment upon her. "What are you going to do?" she asked after a pause. He looked at her with mild astonishment for her question in his blue eyes, then said, "Donno exactly get drunk, maybe," and he glanced at her truculently.