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Perk himself was an odd mixture of New England and Canuck blood, one branch of his family living in Maine, while the other resided across the border. Hence Perk sometimes chose to call himself a Yankee; and yet for a period of several years he had been a valued member of the Northwestern Mounted Police, doing all manner of desperate stunts up in the cold regions of Canada.

"Here, now," he shouted to Jackson, "you just let this feller and plantchette fight it out together!" "What's the matter with plantchette ?" said Jeff, before he said to his brother, "Hello, Jackson!" and to the Canuck, "Hello, Jombateeste!" He shook hands conventionally with them both, and then with the painter, whom he greeted with greater interest. "Glad to see you here, Mr. Westover.

He is a brute who should be taken out and bastinadoed. Of course due allowance must be made for the fact that he is a Canuck. Canada is but half-civilized. It is still "loil" to old England, the strumpet of nations, the governmental harlot of history. It continues to take its manners and customs from the old country.

With seeming calm and nonchalance I made the kitchen. With a semblance of outward serenity I picked up a rag and returned to wipe off the wall. I was vastly relieved to find that the bluff had worked. The Canuck was finishing his meal in silence. From that moment till the end of the voyage he was as quiet and Unobtrusive as anyone could wish him to be....

She did not expound her opinions of these points to Jombatiste because, in the first place, she despised him for a dirty Canuck, and, secondly, because opinions seemed shadowy and unsubstantial things to her. The important matters were to make your starch clear and not to be late to church.

"And I'm Owen Dugdale," said the other, knowing the pause was intended for him to break in with the mention of his name; "a native Canuck, and at home in this timber region my parents were of Scotch descent I believe. And the first thing I want to say is that I'm mighty glad to be here with you just now.

The Indian's face darkened. "I threw it after the ship that stole my Gamowini." Rolf Meets a Canuck The winter might have been considered eventful, had not so many of the events been repetitions of former experience. But there were several that by their newness deserve a place on these pages, as they did in Rolf's memory. One of them happened soon after the first sharp frost.

Jackson put his planchette on the table, and sat down before it with a sigh; the Canuck remained standing, and on foot he was scarcely a head higher than the seated Yankees. "Well," Jackson said, "I suppose he knows all about it now," meaning the dead farm-hand. "Yes," Westover suggested, "if he knows anything." "Know anything!" Whitwell shouted.

"I donno," said Arsene speculatively, as he and the Bishop took up their tramp behind the sled; "Dat Long Tom Lansing; he don' like Canuck. Maybe he don' lend no harness, I donno." "Oh, yes; he will surely," answered the Bishop easily. "Nobody would refuse a bit of harness in a case like this." It was full dark when they came to where Tom Lansing's cabin hid itself among the hemlocks.

So saying, Cuthbert turned to the Canuck and, smiling, said: "Owen, my boy, you promised to tell us something about your troubles when an opportunity came.