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Instead, it being impossible to demand an enormous sum of 300 or 400 milliards, a difficult figure to fix definitely, recourse was had to another expedient. From the moment that the phrase réparation des dommages was included in the armistice treaty as a claim that could be urged, it became impossible to ask for a fixed sum.

In the first phase the indemnities came into being from three words inserted almost by chance into the armistice treaty on November 2, 1918, réparation des dommages. It was merely a matter of a simple expression to content public feeling: Je supplie le conseil de se mettre dans l'esprit de la population française.... It was a moral concession, a moral satisfaction.

M. CLEMENCEAU: Je comprends tout cela dans mes trois mots, "Réparations des dommages." Je supplie le Conseil de se mettre dans l'esprit de la population française.... M. VESSITCH: Et serbe.... M. HYMANS: Et belge.... M. SONNINO: Et italienne aussi.... M. HOUSE: Puisqu'est une question importante pour tous, je propose l'addition de M. Clemenceau.

On the other hand the pronouncement, "Réparation des dommages," included, as in fact was afterwards included, any claim for damage by land or sea. The representatives of Belgium, Italy and Great Britain remark that it is a condition of peace, not of armistice. But Clemenceau makes it a question of regard and consideration for France.

"Reviens pour consoler la terre, Aimable Paix, descends des cieux, Depuis assez long-tems la guerre Afflige un peuple genereux, Ah! quell' aurore pure & calme S'offre a nos regards satisfaits! Nous obtenons la double paline De la victoire & de la paix. bis. "Disparaissez tristes images, D'un tems malheureux qui n'est plus, Nous reparerons nos dommages Par la sagesse & les vertus.

The request for réparation des dommages had been included in the terms of the armistice merely to afford a moral satisfaction to France. But the campaign waged in France and during the elections in England had exaggerated the demands so as to include not only reparation for damage but reimbursement of the cost of the War.