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While absent, he had subsisted upon wild grapes, from which he told them that in his country they used to make wine; and from this circumstance Lief called the country Winland det gode, or Wine-land the good .

Det er det engelske dragekamps-motiv". Olrik further calls attention to the fact that in English tales the object is not to kill the dragon, but to drive it away, as Siward did. But to fit the dragon into the Bjarki story, it had to be killed in order that the blood-drinking episode might be introduced.

"Surely," said Hugo, "it's your bed-time?" "No," little Fay answered, and the letters were never formed that could express the finality of that "no," "Med will fesh me when it's time. I've come to play wis loo. Det up, Daddie; loo can't play p'oply lying zere." "Oh, yes, I can," Hugo protested eagerly. "You bring all your nice toys one by one and show them to me."

How you want me know? standin’ up everlastin’ in de kitchen a bakin’ light-bread fu’ lazy trash det betta be in de fiel’ wurkin’ a crap like people, stid o’ ’pendin’ on yeda folks.” Mandy, who had been a silent listener, divining that she had perhaps better make known certain information that was exclusively her own piped out:

'Det, said Bessie, immediately ducking down her head very low, in resistance to the expected rejoinder. 'We've got two pups, said young Daniel, emboldened by observing the gentleman's amenities towards Bessie. 'Shall I show 'em yer? One's got white spots. 'Yes, let me see them.

If I had stayed in my fader's house, I vould haf been det for goot, and perried too! Somedimes dose dings cooms oudt apout right, don't id?" Unvanquished philosopher!

"Won't dwandma be glad to get some nice sugar plums? I wis I tood det froo dis fence." Through she got, with much squeezing and rending. Tot eyed her torn pinafore, ruefully. "I wis' 'ittle dirl's aprons wouldn't teep tearing on every single fing." "'Pears to me," doubtfully, putting one little foot down on the soft marshy ground, "it is wather wet." Rather wet? Yes, Totchen, very wet.

"Også den ældste sagnform, Beovulfkvadets, kender kampen om herredömmet imellem Halvdan og Frode; men der er den forskel, at den ene er konge over Danerne, den anden over Had-Barderne, og det er imellem disse to folkestammer, striden udkæmpes. For vidt står denne ældste form nærmest ved den senere danske overlevering, fjærnere fra den norske.

"I want to det up now," said Racey undauntedly. "I'se been awake never so long." "You can't get up now, my dear," said Mrs. Partridge. "The house has been upset enough already the whole work can't be stopped to get you up and for my part I don't hold with such early gettings up, and wanting your breakfasts so ridiculous soon."

"An' I mussen tum back wid oo, pappy says," added the little fellow; "I'se to doe to Mammy Dilsey an' det my face washed, an' my hair turled, an' a c'ean apawn on." "Who's there, baby, besides father? and where's mother?"