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They sailed again to the land, and came to anchor, and launched the boat, and went ashore. This was a level wooded land; and there were broad stretches of white sand where they went, and the land was level by the sea. Then said Lief, "This land shall have a name after its nature; and we will call it Markland."

The mountaineer will not leave his rock, nor the savage his hut; neither are we willing to give up our present mode of life, with all its advantages and disadvantages, for any other that could be substituted for it. No man would, I think, exchange his existence with any other man, however fortunate. We had as lief not be, as not be ourselves.

Something in the accent, something in those fine English words "lief" and "shift," destroyed in the minds of Audrey and Miss Ingate the agreeable notion that they had a peeress on their hands. "Is your husband on board?" asked Audrey. "He just is," was the answer. "He's in our cabin." "Shall I fetch him?" Miss Ingate suggested. The corners of her lips had begun to fall once more.

'At the sweetness of knowing you didn't go of your own accord. 'What for did you shiver? 'At the dark power of our fellow-creatures set against us. 'I inna feared of 'em now, Ed'ard. Maybe it'll come right, and you'll get all as you'd lief have. 'I only want you. 'And me you. They both had happy dreams that night. Outside, the stars were fierce with frost. The world hardened.

"I think we will pack him off in the coach with old Jezebel." "For construing a bit of Latin?" said the Captain, very good-naturedly. "I would as lief go there as anywhere," Harry Esmond said, simply, "for there is nobody to care for me."

Rossitur, "I am very willing that their exertions should cease. For my own part I would quite as lief be out of the world as in it." "Charlton! how can you! " said Fleda, half beside herself, you should know of what you speak or be silent! Uncle, don't mind him! he is talking wildly my work does me good."

Bolder spirits marched off to the smoking room Crane starting this movement with the declaration that, for his part, he would as lief drown like a rat in a trap as battling to keep up in the frigid inferno of those raging seas. A handful of miserables, too seasick to care whether the ship swam or sank, mutinously took to their berths.

Rivers, have the freedom of the town; but Captain Baulk declared he would as lief be confined within the fort. "There be scarce two honest men saving ourselves in all San Augustin," he said. "The lodging-house where we sleep is crowded with dirty, thieving half-breeds, who would as willingly slit a man's throat as a pig's.

You could scarcely do better." "I have reasons, father," impressively, "reasons for declining that." "Then where are you going?" "I would just as lief stay here and take care of your house as not," declared the lady magnanimously. "Ha! Without any servants?" "Why, what do you mean?" "They are going away for a vacation. I am intending to have the house wired, and Mrs.

"Now God requite you," quoth Kriemhild, "most noble Gotelind. Shall I and Botelung's son remain alive and well, it may be lief to you that ye have seen me here." Neither knew what must needs later hap. Many maidens went to meet each other in courtly wise. The warriors, too, were full ready with their service. After the greeting they sat them down upon the clover.