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Crabbit was, and cause had. Comparisons are odious. Cold cools the love that kindles over hot. Cut duels in every Town. Condition makes, and condition breakes. Come not to the councell uncalled. Dead and marriage makes Term-day. Do weil and have weil. Do as ye wald be done to. Do in Hill, as ye wald do in Hall. Dame dein warily. Dummie cannot lie. Draff is good enough for Swine.

Hundert und sieben Arten sinds. "Ja, hundert Arten, Mutterlein, Und tausend Zweige habt ihr auch, Ihr, die ihr hundert Krafte habt, Macht diesen Menschen mir gesund. "Ihr Krauter hort, ihr Mutterchen, Ihr gottlichen, das sag ich euch: Ross, Rind und Kleid gewann' ich gern Und auch dein Leben, lieber Mann! Furwahr ihr bringt mir Rinder ein, Wenn ihr ihn rettet diesen Mann."

There are rules he wrote out for her instruction in thorough-bass with a note that others must be taught orally, and there is a love-song for soprano, which he must have written for her, to judge from the words, "Willst du dein Herz mir schenken." Upton declares this song to have been written during and for their first courtship.

If they were mille, deinde centum, dein mille altera, dein secunda centum, and so on, I am not going to cry out. He had come to rescue her. She knew he would; he was her champion, her preserver from bondage and ignominy.

This was the name he had borne among them; because when they asked his name, and he did not understand the question, several of our people called to him "Dein name," which was immediately adopted as his designation. Four islanders lifted me from the boat, and carried me ashore, to where Lagediak awaited me with open arms, and pressed me most cordially to his bosom.

Many of the most beautiful anecdotes of Mozart's life we owe to Nissen's gentle unjealousy, and Constanze could frankly sign herself "widow of Staatsrath Nissen, previously widow of Mozart." She includes an anonymous poem on Mozart's death, beginning: "Wo ist dein Grab? Wo duften die Cypressen?"

The cardinal opened the gold box, and, with the point of a golden needle, drew out some holy oil; he then said two prayers, and taking the oil on his finger, traced with it a cross on the head of the prince, saying, "Ungo dein regem de oleo sanctificato, in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti." The lad wiped off the oil with an embroidered handkerchief.

Another attraction of the matinee was the singing of Madame Viardot-Garcia, "who, besides her inimitable airs with Mdlle. de Mendi, and her queerly-piquant Mazurkas, gave the Cenerentola rondo, graced with great brilliancy; and a song by Beethoven, 'Ich denke dein." Mr. Sartoris, and would never forget the concert-giver's playing, especially of the waltz in D flat. Mr.

"That's the dear girl you are, and 'Dein ist mein Herz'!" He stooped down and kissed me. I burst into tears, and kissed his hand. This is to show you what a dear, kind man Mr. Longfellow is. CAMBRIDGE, June, 1857. If you were here, dear mama, I would sing, "Oh, Wake and Call Me Early, Call Me Early, Mother Dear," for I am to dance the quadrille on the "Green" on Class Day.

Schiller's version runs thus: Der ganze Saal war Ohr, jedweder Mund verschlossen, Und Fuerst Aeneas, hingegossen Auf hohem Polstersitz, begann: Dein Wille, Koenigin, macht Wunden wieder bluten, Die keine Sprache schildern kann: Wie Trojas Stadt verging in Feuerfluten, Den Jammer willst du wissen, die Gefahr, Wovon ich Zeuge, ach, und meistens Opfer war.