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Yet, monsieur, setting dogma and ritual aside, we both believe in the same Heavenly Father, in the same grand eternal hope. I will hear this confession, my brother, in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, Amen. And may it bring peace to your soul." There was a silence, and then Ringfield led the way to the little church.

"Ego baptizo te in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti." Then the woman and the boy were standing again without the entrance in the chilly air, and the ancient monk was upon the threshold under the carved arch; his thin hands, white in the darkness, were lifted high, and he blessed them, and they went their way.

The Archbishop, holding it with the left hand only, with the right makes the sign, of benediction: coronat te deus corona gloriae atque justitiae. After which he places the crown on the head of the King, saying: accipe coronam regni in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti. Now that the King is crowned, he ascends the steps of the jube, and seats himself upon the throne.

He wears in jeweled letters upon his mitre the inscription, Vicarius Filii Dei Vicar of the Son of God. Taking from his name all the letters that the Latins used for numerals, we have just 666. The era of modern sects is also covered in other places in Revelation, for the ecclesiastical history of the Christian dispensation is described under different parallel series of symbolism.

It is true that the critic has many temptations to go with the stream, to make one of the party movement, one of these terræ filii; it seems ungracious to refuse to be a terræ filius, when so many excellent people are; but the critic's duty is to refuse, or, if resistance is vain, at least to cry with Obermann: Périssons en résistant .

It was the Cardinal who stood there, upright and serene as ever, with a look in his eyes that silenced the priest. He lifted his hand on which shone his great amethyst, and at the motion, scarcely knowing what he did, the priest was on his knees. "Benedictio Dei omnipotentis Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, descendat super te, et maneat semper." That was all; not a word more.

For all these, and for grace necessary, ye shall say unto God God's prayer, Pater-noster. Filii hujus seculi, &c. Luc. xvi. .

Pour out the tea there. The sugar is in the bag. Here, I can't go fumbling at the damned eggs. He hacked through the fry on the dish and slapped it out on three plates, saying: In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Haines sat down to pour out the tea. I'm giving you two lumps each, he said. But, I say, Mulligan, you do make strong tea, don't you?

"The music of this oratorio contains a whole world of great and sacred things. A work which begins with that introduction and ends with that prayer is immortal as immortal as the Easter hymn, O filii et filioe, as the Dies iroe of the dead, as all the songs which in every land have outlived its splendor, its happiness, and its ruined prosperity."

Has the Pope of Rome a name the letters of which, used as numerals, make six hundred and sixty-six? Yes. He wears in jeweled letters upon his miter the following blasphemous inscription: Vicarius Filii Dei Vicar of the Son of God. Taking out of this name all the letters that the Latins used as numerals, we have just six hundred and sixty-six. U and V were both formerly used to denote five.