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And from the house came the sound of a sad love-song; and although I had never heard the song before I understood it, and it was about the moon and the Pleiads having set, and the hour passing, and the voice sang, 'But I sleep alone! And this was repeated over and over again, and it was the saddest and most beautiful thing I had ever heard.

How pleasant the still hours with Azalia beneath the old elms, which spread out their arms above them, as if to pronounce a benediction, the moonlight smiling around them, the dews perfuming the air with the sweet odors of roses and apple-blooms, the cricket chirping his love-song to his mate, the river forever flowing, and sweetly chanting its endless melody!

So at least thinks little Lynette, lying motionless like a little mouse, in the carved wide bed wherein Lynette was born." "A very moving touch, that," Jurgen interpolated. "Now, there is another sort of singing: for now the pot-house closes, big shutters bang, feet shuffle, a drunken man hiccoughs in his singing. It is a love-song he is murdering.

The palm bends before the blast as the simoom sweeps by. The storm at last subsides. The sky grows brighter; and the Queen and her attendants, with their elephants and camels, appear in a mirage journeying eastward as Sulamith and her lover expire in each other's arms. As their duet dies away, the chorus of maidens brings the act to a close with a few strains from the love-song in the first act.

I drew closer and closer to him, and murmured when he paused, "Is not that a love-song?" "No;" said he, "it is the song by which the serpent-charmer charms the serpent." Increased intimacy with my new acquaintance did not diminish the charm of his society, though it brought to light some startling defects, both in his mental and moral organization.

If this Gordon laid a whip on him, he would drive a knife into his heart. Don Manuel sat curled up in one of the deep window-seats of the living room at the Valdés home, and lifted his clear tenor softly in an old Spanish love-song to the accompaniment of the strumming of a guitar.

Then his head dropped on his breast, his hands fell to the ground; the guitar rolled off his knees and a great hush fell over the camp after the love-song of the implacable partisan who had made so many of our people weep for destroyed homes and for loves cut short. "Before anybody could make a sound he sprang up from the ground and called for his horse. "'Adios, my friends! he cried.

That yardstick keeps all the other fellows at a distance, too. That's something to be cheerful over. But you mark my words I'm doing a bit of prophesying now when your real prince comes you'll know him by this: he'll come singing this song. Listen." Picking up his guitar again, he struck one full deep chord and began singing softly the "Bedouin Love-song," "From the desert I come to thee."

But, with all that, he minded people less, and seemed shut up in his own thoughts and rather wandering. Once, for instance, to our extreme wonder, he piped up to a different air, a kind of country love-song, that he must have learned in his youth before he had begun to follow the sea.

Anima pellegrina seems to be Italian of no later date than Pergolese's airs, and suits the time as the familiar phrase of the more modern love-song suited the day of Bellini. But it is only Italian, bygone Italian, and not a part of the sweet past of any other European nation, but only of this. To the same local boundaries and enclosed skies belongs the charm of those buoyant words: