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While the man was quite conscious, he was still too weak from the effect of the blow and loss of blood to travel in the heat. At the Tanks the Indian picked up the trail of four burros and a man. He refilled his canteen, took a long drink from the Tank, grunted an "Adios, senor," and departed up the draw at the swift dog-trot which is typical of the natural long-distance runner.

"And I figure if you leave now, we won't need to talk about the beauty supplies that go missing just before your days off." Rhonda's eyes widened uncontrollably as she gave a guilty grin to the floor tiles. "So, adios!" With that, he returned to the Osco floor. Julia's jaw slackened but Rhonda pealed into outright laughter. "It's not funny!" shouted Julia. "Oh, forget this Popsicle-stand!

When the voice trailed into a mournful, minor "Adios, adios," a robin down in the orchard added a brief, throaty note of his own. Bill sighed and eased his stiffened muscles in the big chair. "Well, I don't blame either one of you," he drawled somewhat wistfully. "If I was fifteen years limberer and fifty pounds slimmer, I dunno but what I'd set into this ranch game myself. It's sure peaceful."

He is mine and I will not give him up to be alone with the fiends or with the angels. So I say no more to the Donna Anna of the church. "" On the day to follow the burial of the Senor Juan, it is in the afternoon when the Donna Anna comes to me. Oh! she was twice lovely! 'Father, she says, 'I come to say my adios.

The man on the near side, with his knee against the mule for a purchase, as soon as the rope is hauled taut, cries out "Adios," and his assistant answers "Vaya!" Then the first says again, "Anda!" upon which the mule trots off to its companions, all of which feed around until the animals of the whole train are packed.

Still, I realize there's compensations." "Sure, there are. I never denied it, did I?" "Never. I reckon you've sent by Bill Wilson for a trumpet to proclaim " "Oh, shut up. I think," Jack decided suddenly and without any visible cause, "I'll turn off here and ride around by Jerry Simpson's. Adios, old man, and heaps of good luck to you."

DON PEDRO. Vente conmigo. DON EDUARDO. Pero Sr. D. Pedro.... DON PEDRO. ¡Eh! DON EDUARDO. Decía que yo también me retiraba para no ofender a usted más con mi presencia. DON PEDRO. Bien hecho.... Vamos. DOÑA MATILDE. Adiós, Eduardo. DON EDUARDO. Adiós, Matilde. DON PEDRO. Vamos, repito. DOÑA MATILDE. Fíate en mi constancia. DON EDUARDO. Ya me fío. DOÑA MATILDE. Adiós. DON EDUARDO. Adiós.

"'A pretty scholar, laughed the Lakeman. 'Adios, Senor! and leaping into the sea, he swam back to his comrades. "Watching the boat till it was fairly beached, and drawn up to the roots of the cocoa-nut trees, Steelkilt made sail again, and in due time arrived at Tahiti, his own place of destination.

At last, with sudden effort, he seized both her hands in his, where they lay limp and passive. "Adios, little one! Dear little friend!" he said, bent swiftly, and his curling brown mustache was crushed one instant against the top of her dusky head. Then he hurried to the lady superior and took his leave, Pancha standing silent at the window until the door had closed behind him.

You'll see me in a box right off the stage to-morrow morning when the execution set is pulled off. Adios, my friend!" The cowpuncher was thrust into a one-room, flat-roofed adobe hut. The door was locked and a guard set outside. The prison had for furniture a three-legged stool and a rough, home-made table. In one corner lay a couple of blankets upon some straw to serve for a bed.