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As you have most at stake, it is for you to give to the world the last words of the Rajah. Is your wit keen enough, and your courage high enough to essay and conquer for the last time?" As Garrofat ceased speaking, Bright-Wits glanced quickly at Azalia, and the light he saw shining in her eyes would have spurred him to tempt any fate at that moment.

"We ought to get our tents pitched just as soon as possible, and we mustn't run any risk of not being able to find Mr. Ferris today." "Don't you think it would help to allay their suspicions if we all remained here a while and looked around as if interested in the scenery just as tourists?" Azalia Atwood suggested. "No, I don't," Katherine replied quickly.

It was vastly more agreeable to lounge in the bar-room of the tavern, with a half-dozen good fellows, smoking cigars, playing cards, taking a drink of whiskey, and, when it was time for the singing-school to break up, go home with the girls, then return to the tavern and carouse till midnight or later. To be cut out by Paul in his attentions to Azalia was intolerable.

Five of the members of the Camp Fire were present when Miss Ladd made this startling announcement that they had been watched secretly for a considerable time while roping off the limits of their swimming place. The other girls had taken the lead back to the camp and were a considerable distance ahead. "Are they watching us yet?" Azalia asked. "I think not," the Guardian replied.

But for the sake of those who respect and honor and love you, you will not give way to vice, will you? I know you will not, for my sake." "For your sake, Azalia, if for no other reason, I will resist evil, and I will try to serve God and my country faithfully in all things, so that if I come back, or if I fall in battle, you will not be ashamed of having once been my friend."

Chrome took Paul in his arms, and lifted him into it as if he was but a child. The people came one after another and touched his hands. The children brought flowers and laid them in his arms. They all had words of welcome for Azalia. She had saved him.

"What I'm afraid of is that you're trying to introduce politics into this club, and we won't stand for that a minute." "Oh, yes, Julietta, you may have your wish, if what Azalia says is true," Marie Crismore announced so eagerly that everybody present knew that she had an idea and waited expectantly for it to come out. "We'll call you Polly Polly Tix."

But more thrilling than all the eloquence of the evening was the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner, by Azalia, Daphne, Paul, and Hans. They stood on the platform in front of the pulpit, Azalia and Daphne with flags in their hands. How sweet their voices!

Azalia Adams often came tripping in with something nice, a tumbler of jelly, or a plate of toast, which her mother had prepared; and she had such cheerful words, and spoke so pleasantly, and moved round the room so softly, putting everything in order, that the room was lighter, even on the darkest days, for her presence.

He thought upon them till his steps, falling upon the frozen ground, seemed to say, "Character! character! character!" as if Paul had something which he had not. "So because he has character, and I haven't, you give me the mitten, do you, Miss Azalia?" he said, as if he was addressing Azalia. He knew that Paul had a good name. He was the best singer in the singing-school, and Mr.