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Christ did not die in vain," sez I, "nor the blood of the martyrs has not been in vain. The Lord has promised and he will fulfill." "God speed that day!" sez Elder Cross shettin' his eyes and claspin' his hands. "Amen!" sez I. But I hearn Arvilly behind me mutter, "You'll have to open your old eyes, Elder, and go to work, or you won't have much hand in it." But I guess he didn't hear her.

But what was my horror when the grizzly and infamus Bear threw his other paw UNDER me, and riz with me to his feet. Then claspin me in a close embrace he waltzed up and down the platform in a frightful manner, I yellin with fear and anguish. To make matters wuss, a low scurrilus young man in the audiens hollered out: "Playfulness of the Bear! Quick moosic!" I jest 'scaped with my life.

He could still hear the words his father spoke to him an' feel the father's hand slippin' the rosary over his head an' claspin' the little fingers around the cross as it lay on his breast. Michael had passed him to a sailor an' he was lowered into one of the boats, where a kind-hearted woman took compassion on his loneliness an' cared for him.

Jackson had to be hauled off his legs that she was kneelin' and claspin' while wrestling with the Sperit." "I reckon we seemed kinder strange to him this morning, and he wanted to jest feel his way to our hearts first," exclaimed Brother Jonas Steers politely. "He'll be more at home at evenin' service. It's queer that some of the best exhortin' work is done arter early candlelight.

They stood it pretty well, though I noticed one or two on 'em weepin' bitterly, not knowin' what ailed 'em. Well, to resoom backward, I sez to Blandina, "I hearn Aspire Todd at a Fourth of July celebration in Josiah's sugar bush." "Oh," sez Blandina, claspin' her hands, "would it be possible for you to introduce me to that noble being?" Sez I, "You like his talk then?"

The Dock allowed that he wuzn't goin' to take nobody's count on eggs; so he got that fool boy to stan' there in the middle uv that hot peraroor, claspin' his two hands together, while he, the Dock, counted them eggs out'n the basket one by one into the boy's arms. Ten dozen eggs is a heap; you kin imagine, maybe, how that boy looked with his arms full uv eggs!

"Thar, I feel better," said Shif'less Sol, when his face quit moving, "but though they're a long distance off I kin see with my mind's eyes Braxton Wyatt an' his band stalkin' us in our home in the rock, an' claspin' us in a grip that can't be shook off." "Shettin' down on us," said Silent Tom. The shiftless one bent upon him a reproving look.