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But 'tis your one chance and I would kneel to 'ee, if by kneelin' I could persuade 'ee. We'll fight it out after; bring your pistols. Only come!" The stranger slipped on his other shoe, then his waistcoat and jacket, whistling softly. Then he stepped to the chimney-piece, took down his pistols, and stowed them in his coat-pockets. "I'm quite ready."

"Does yer mean that?" she demanded, sternly. "Sartin, I does." "Yer denies kneelin' at my feet an' sayin', "Wasn't de onions made yer cry;" a pleadin' and a coaxin' till I 'sented to marry yer." "In course I does," repeated Dolf, doggedly. "Take care! Jis' tink!" "Miss Clo, dis ere ain't decorous; I'se 'stonished at yer!" With a bound like an unchained tigress Clo sprang at him.

Didn't I see 'im kneelin' by my little Bennie's bed, twenty years ago come next June, with the tears runnin' down his cheeks as he axed the Good Lord to spare the little lad to us a while longer. Mark my word, Stevie, them people who are tellin' sich stories about that man 'ill come to no good. 'Henry, says she, 'the parson is the Lord's anointed.

Oh, patther an' ave you dirty bosthoon blessed angels and holy marthyrs! kneelin' there in the middle o' the flure as if nothing happened look down on me this day, a poor vartuous dissolute woman! Oh, you disgrace to me and all belonging to you, and is it the impidence to ask my blessin' you have, when it's a whippin' at the cart's tail you ought to get, you shameless scapegrace?"

An' a hull lot of righteous ones dragged 'er right up to Jesus an' says, 'She air a sinner, sir, what'll we do with 'er? An' he says, 'Go away an' leave 'er with me." Tessibel's hand clutched at the fingers holding hers. "An' when he were alone with 'er," went on the dwarf, "an' she were a kneelin' at 'is feet, he jest touched her lovin' like, an' says "

But he give her ten dollars to buy a hat on condition she behaved like a lady in the future smilin' at her, the divil! And Belle, with temper like dinnemite, took it kneelin' as it were, and smiled back at him her! Drink, women nothin' seems to have a hold on him. What's his vice? Sure, then, that's what I say, what's his vice? He's got to have one; any man as is a man has to have one vice."

"Texas ropes an' ties him down an' cinches the saddle onto him while he's layin' thar; Tutt kneelin' on his locoed head doorin' the ceremony. Then Tutt throws him loose; an' when he gets up he nacherally rises with Texas Thompson on his back. "First, that bronco stands in a daze, an' Texas takes advantage of his trance to lay two silver dollars on the saddle, one onder each of his laigs.

They'd found him kneelin in his place with his arm up, an the pick in it just as the blast had took him An his poor back oh! my God scorched off him scorched off him." A shudder ran through her. But she recovered herself and went on, still gazing intently at Tressady, her gaunt hand raised as though for attention.

If I didn't he might want to go, from the talk of those fools, and get to believin' with them. He said there was boys and girls kneelin' with the rest little children, almost, and shoutin' and prayin' to Joseph. Did you see 'em?" "Yes; it was dreadful, Nancy. But it was worse to see the women, the grown-up girls, and the mothers of the children. It looked like they had been drinking.

They wuz real pretty girls, with white veils on over their dark hair, their lustrous eyes lookin' out at us as they might have looked at the Postles. And there wuz cunnin' little donkeys that anybody could ride if they wanted to, and camels with gorgeous trappings kneelin' down ready for folks to mount and be carried 'round the streets.