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It would have been better for us of the present day if the injins had given him a warm meal and sent him home ore the ragin' billers. For the savages owned the country, and COLUMBUS was a fillibuster. CORTEZ, PIZARRO, and WALKER were one-horse fillibusters COLUMBUS was a four-horse team fillibuster, and a large yaller dog under the waggin.

Well I rocked Tommy and sung to him: "Sweet fields beyend the swellin' flood." And them sweet fields in my mind wuz our own orchard and paster, and the swellin' flood I thought on wuzn't death's billers, but the waters that rolled between California and Jonesville. Not one word had I hearn from my pardner sence leavin' New York. "Oh, dear Josiah! When shall I see thee agin?"

It's nigh onto a fortnight sence we fust started for Petticoat Jack, and sence that time we've had rare and strikin vycissitoods. It may jest happen that some on ye may be tired of the briny deep, an may wish no more to see the billers bound and scatter their foamin spray; some on ye likewise may be out o' sperrits about the fog.

I would tell myself and Josiah, for that matter I've known wimmen to fall right out of their chairs and break themselves all up more or less, and fall often back steps and suller stairs and such. But 'tennyrate I felt real riz up as I looked off on the heavin' billers, and Faith sez to me, "Why should I fear since I sailed with God."

I shall stay in Cleveland a few days and probly you will hear from me again ear I leave to once more becum a tosser on life's tempestuous billers, meanin the Show Bizniss. Very Respectively Yours, Artemus Ward. The moosic which Ime most use to is the inspirin stranes of the hand orgin.

I felt ez hot ez ef I wuz danglin' ovah thet pit myse'f; an' ef one o' the angels hed happened to peep ovah the battermints o' heaven et thet minit, he'd been scorched hisse'f by the billers o' flame whut riz mountain high frum thet sea o' tormint.

Old man Townsin's Fort was to maik Sassyperiller. "Goy to the world! anuther life saived!" Cyrus Field's Fort is to lay a sub-machine tellegraf under the boundin billers of the Oshun, and then hev it Bust. Spaldin's Fort is to maik Prepared Gloo, which mends everything. Wonder ef it will mend a sinner's wickid waze? Zoary's Fort is to be a femaile circus feller.

So you git the little anchor the little one is better than ary too big a one an' put it in the yawl an' paddle acrost the bar an' sot her, an' them aboard pulls as the billers lifts ye, and so they keep her headed in, and, kadging, kadging, bumpety-bump, at las' you go clar of the bar an' come home to smooth haven in Sinepuxin."

Wiggs stood before them with a dilapidated hymn-book in her hand. "Now, you all must hush talking so we kin all sing a hymn; I'll read it over, then we'll all sing it together. 'When upon life's billers you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged thinking all is lost, Count yer many blessin's, name 'em one by one, An' it will surprise you what the Lord hath done!"

At last after seven days' stiddy sailin' a little spec wuz seen in the distance one mornin' gradually growin' in size, and other little specks wuz sighted, also growin' gradual, and at last they turned to solid land rising up out of the blue water, clad in strange and beautiful verdure behind the white foamin' billers of surf.