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After a slight contest the skipper gave way, and the mate, after an elaborate toilette, went on deck and began to make himself agreeable, while his chief skulked below trying to muster up courage to put in an appearance. "Where's the captain?" inquired Miss Cooper, after his absence had been so prolonged as to become noticeable. "He's below, dressin', I b'leeve," replied the mate simply.

But Sam says some day they're goin' to bust right through the floor, an' ef they do, they ain't gonta stop till they get clear down to the cellar, an' they'll wipe out everythin' in their way when they go! B'leeve me! I don't wantta be workin' here when that happens!" "Good night!" said Susie, turning pale. "Them big machines on the sixth is right over where I work on the fifth!

Every mornin' fer a spell I'd go in an' say, 'Ain't you ready fer me to fix you fer the day, Mis' Brownleigh? An' she'd jest smile an' say, 'Well, I b'leeve not just now, 'Meelia Ellen. I think I'll just rest to-day yet. Maybe I'll feel stronger to-morrow'; but to-morrow never comes, an' it's my thinkin' she'll never git up agin."

"'Gwine atter it now, sez Brer Wolf, sezee. 'I des call by fer ter bring de news. I went down ter Brer Fox house little bit 'go, en dar I foun' 'im stiff, sezee. "Den Brer Wolf lope off. Brer Rabbit sot down en scratch his head, he did, en bimeby he say ter hisse'f dat he b'leeve he sorter drap 'roun' by Brer Fox house fer ter see how de lan' lay. No sooner said'n done.

Blandy invited him to his house, honoured the occasion with champagne, drank freely of it, and became confidential. "The noble earl'll nail you f' one o' the girls, Kimbly. I'm a lill bit 'fected when I think, seeing my dear Kimbly 'nited marriage noble family. That's what makes me talk like this. I b'leeve you're gone coon already, ole man. 'Gratulate you, allmy heart."

In course we didn' b'leeve that. Squire ain't no gol darned fool, ez that would make him aout ter be. He knowd the men ez stopped the courts las' week wouldn' be afeard o' stoppin a sherriff. He knows the folks be in arnest 'baout hevin an eend on sewin an sellin an sendin tew jail. Squire knows, an ye all know that thar'll be fightin fore thar's any more sellin."

Carter's that's been ill so long. He'd thank you for them, I know. The lad nodded with a guttural sound of assent. Then his new-born scientific ardour seemed to struggle with his rustic costiveness of speech. 'I've been just watching a queer creetur, he said at last hurriedly; 'I b'leeve he's that un. And he pulled out a well-thumbed handbook, and pointed to a cut of the grasshopper warbler.

But my other guess is the one I b'leeve in most, that the Head Man done it to scrooch him down, so's he'd take notice o' little teenty things, down below, that most folks never see, things that needed him to watch 'em, and do for 'em, and tell about 'em. That's my fav'rite guess. 'Tany rate, the Head Man done right, I'm cert'in sure o' that.

"Where's the schooner?" demanded Mrs. Bunker; "where is it?" The captain looked at the mate. "Where's the schooner?" said he. "I b'leeve," said the mate, losing his head entirely at this question, "I b'leeve we must have run her down. I don't see her nowhere about." Mrs. Bunker stamped her foot, and, with a terrible glance at the men, descended to the cabin.

"I b'leeve that," rejoined Twitt; "I b'leeve it true. And though I know Mis' Deane is that straight an' 'onest, she'd see ye properly mementoed an' paid for, I wouldn't take a penny from 'er not on account of a kindly old gaffer like yerself. I'd do it all friendly." "Of course you would!" and Helmsley shook his hand heartily; "And of course you will!"