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God is good good after all! we shall not be parted!" A strong convulsion shook his sinewy frame from head to foot, and he writhed in desperate agony. The officer put an arm under his head, and made an expressive sign to the awed witnesses of the scene. Helmsley, startled at this, came hurriedly forward, trembling and scarcely able to speak in the extremity of his fear and pity.

Lying quietly in his bed, Helmsley conversed with his inner self, as it were, reasoning with his own human perplexities and gradually unravelling them. After all, if his life had been, as he considered, only a lesson, was it not good for him that he had learned that lesson?

But her features in childhood had expressed something more than the beauty which had developed with the passing of years. A sweet affection, a tender earnestness, and an almost heavenly candour had made the attractiveness of her earlier age quite irresistible, but now or so Helmsley fancied that fine and subtle charm had gone.

But I'm not one of the 'meek who shall inherit the earth. I'm a robustious combustious sort of chap if a fellow knocks me down, I jump up and give it him back with as jolly good interest as I can and if anyone plays me a dirty trick I'll move all the mental and elemental forces of the universe to expose him. That's my way unfortunately " "Why 'unfortunately'?" asked Helmsley.

"And the only true thing about that hepitaph," continued Twitt, folding up the paper again and returning it to its former receptacle, "is the words 'Here Lies." Helmsley laughed, and Twitt laughed with him.

And I don't mind trusting you with a bit of gardening you could make a shilling a day easy so don't say you can't get work. That's the usual whine but if you say it " "I shall be a liar!" said Helmsley, his sunken eyes lighting up with a twinkle of merriment "And don't you fear, Miss Tranter, I won't say it! I'm grateful to Mr.

"Was the usual thing, of course," interposed Sir Francis blandly. "He said, 'Let the rich man leave it all to me, and God will bless him abundantly!" "Well, yes, it came to that," and Helmsley gave a short impatient sigh.

It's all very well to love and to be in love, but if you look odd and people laugh at you, what's the good of it?" Helmsley rose from his seat abruptly. "True!" he exclaimed. "You're right, Lucy! Little girl, you're quite right! What's the good of it! Upon my word, you're a most practical woman! you'll make a capital wife for a business man!"

After a long pause of intense stillness, some clock below stairs struck midnight with a mellow clang, and Helmsley opening his eyes, lay waiting till the excited beating of his heart subsided, and his quickened breath grew calm.

Helmsley has started on his trip alone?" "Yes, Sir Francis. Quite alone." "Did he say where he was going?" "He booked for Southhampton, sir." "Oh!" "And," proceeded Benson, "he only took one portmanteau." "Oh!" again ejaculated the lawyer. And, stroking his bearded chin, he thought awhile. "Are you going to stay at Carlton House Terrace till he comes back?" "I have a month's holiday, sir.