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For I say it boldly beforehand, ere Carrie has tried her first undercrust, she will be a pattern housewife although she reads John Stuart Mill. "'Tom, darling! sounds from the next room, and the music goes to my soul. Good-bye. The next from Aready Cottage. Thine,

Sangsby that Jo, wot he known once, is a-moving on right forards with his duty, and I'll be wery thankful. I'd be more thankful than I am aready if it wos any ways possible for an unfortnet to be it." He makes so many of these references to the law-stationer in the course of a day or two that Allan, after conferring with Mr.

"My things is gone aready," said Mary, moving heavily toward the door, "and I'm gwine now." As she disappeared, she remarked casually, "I didn't have no time to wash the supper dishes. Good-by." "What's the matter with Mary?" called Paul. Lydia went back to him, trying to smile. "She's gone left," she announced. Paul opened his eyes with a look of keen annoyance.

"Thank you, Dinah, you have done your best, no doubt; don't sell my ring, though; I shall want it back some day." "La, chile, I done 'sposed ob it aready, an' dey give me a poun of backer an' a gole-piece fur it. It was good gole an' no mistake. I tells you all," adding aloud, "an' now, Miss Mirim, I has tole you ebbery syllable. I disremembered ob dat speritual ar.

Now, presently, I was gone over unto sleep; and in seven hours I waked; and in that time had the Maid slumbered through eight hours; yet did I intend that she be not disturbed, until that we were aready to the journey. And I slipt from under the cloak, and put it round her, very gentle.

Then her withered lips spread wide in a sneering, cackling laugh. "So he air aready been settin' on yer head an' layin' on yer heart, mister," she greeted him, "the leetle man like this, huh, ain't he?" She shook her cane at the tall man and clacked at him again. Helen was conscious that at Moll's insults, Ebenezer's anger was rising by the minute.

Whyre you holding him out on me?" "Scientists don't like to be disturbed in their researches," I temporized. "No more does a man in a whorehouse," he retorted vulgarly. "Story's no good without him." That was what I thought and I'm afraid my satisfaction appeared on my face. "Now leely man no try a hold up da press. Whatsa matter, you aready had da beer and da roasta bif sanawich?"

He calls it also the "Star of Aready," because Callisto's boy was named Arcas, and they lived in Arcadia. In Milton's Comus, the elder brother, benighted in the woods, says, "Some gentle taper! Through a rush candle, from the wicker hole Of some clay habitation, visit us With thy long levelled rule of streaming light, And thou shalt be our star of Aready, Or Tyrian Chynsure."

"En eat yo' supper. I ain' done projeckin' 'bout dis freedom business. How we uns gwine ter be free 'less Marse Scoville stay yere en kep us free?" "Zany guv me my supper en " "Dar now, I ain' no mo' 'count. Zany gobble you aready. I des stick ter my chimbly corner." "Howdy, Aunt Jinkey," cried Scoville, coming in briskly. "Well, you see I'm back again as I promised."

Where shall we go?" she added, as she passed out with him. "To the rustic sate, sure. Where else shud we go?" "A rustic sate is a quare place for a stroll." "Oi shall have so much walkin' on me bate in New York, that it's well to begin settin' down aready, oi'm a-thinkin'." "Why, Barney, ye're going to be a reg'lar tramp. Who'd 'a thought that ye'd come down to that." "Ah! arrah, wid ye nonsense!