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He was so disgusted at the way Bill Chambers and Henery Walker come up 'ere wasting their 'ard-earned money, that he sent 'im a letter, signed 'A Friend of the Working Man, telling 'im about it and advising 'im what to do." "A friend o' yours?" ses John Biggs, staring at 'im. "What for?" "I don't know," ses Bob; "he's a wunnerful good scholard, and he likes writin' letters.

But when the second officer left him, and he was steeped once more in the fresh breeze and the sunshine, with his shoulders braced against the chart-house, he looked at a smoke trail on the horizon far away to the west. "Queenstown!" he chuckled. "Not this journey not if my name's Jimmie Coke, the man 'oo is stannin' on all that is left of 'is 'ard-earned savin's.

Here's a suvrin, says I, 'out of my 'ard-earned savin's and get a pair o' boots, too: you can git a sweet pair for 2s. 11d. at Rackstraw's afore the sale closes, and with that I shoves the suvrin into 'er hand instead o' the scrubbin' brush, and what does she do?

"Now, then, where's that money? If you don't give us our money, our 'ard-earned money, inside o' two minutes, I'll break every bone in your body." "This is wot comes o' trying to do you a favour, Ginger," ses the old man, reproachfully. "Don't talk to me," ses Ginger, "cos I won't have it. Come on; where is it?"

Here's a suvrin, says I, 'out of my 'ard-earned savin's and get a pair o' boots, too; you can git a sweet pair for 2s. 11d. at Rackstraw's afore the sale closes, and with that I shoves the suvrin into 'er hand instead o' the scrubbin' brush, and what does she do?

"Now, then, where's that money? If you don't give us our money, our 'ard-earned money, inside o' two minutes, I'll break every bone in your body." "This is wot comes o' trying to do you a favour, Ginger," ses the old man, reproachfully. "Don't talk to me," ses Ginger, "cos I won't have it. Come on; where is it?"

"I ain't hit a man for five years," 'e ses, still dancing up and down "fighting's sinful except in a good cause but afore I got a new 'art, Ginger, I'd lick three men like you afore breakfast, just to git up a appetite." "Look, 'ere," ses Ginger; "you're an old man and I don't want to 'urt you; tell us where our money is, our 'ard-earned money, and I won't lay a finger on you."

You hear a costermonger on the stage say, 'Give me my 'umble fireside, and let my good old missus 'and me my cup o' tea and my 'ard-earned bit o' bread, and all the dooks and lords in Hengland ain't nothin' to me! you hear that, and you know quite well that no costermonger on this goodly earth ever talked in that way, and still you cheer.

"I ain't hit a man for five years," 'e ses, still dancing up and down "fighting's sinful except in a good cause but afore I got a new 'art, Ginger, I'd lick three men like you afore breakfast, just to git up a appetite." "Look, 'ere," ses Ginger; "you're an old man and I don't want to 'urt you; tell us where our money is, our 'ard-earned money, and I won't lay a finger on you."