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Will take to-morrow night's steamer Queenstown. Not sufficient fare. Wire twenty-five pounds W. Union, Broadway 14th. Trenton Snell.

"At what date will the vessel reach Queenstown?" she asked. "By way of making sure," said Mr. Null, "I shall telegraph in a week's time." She troubled him with no more inquiries. He had purposely remained standing, in the expectation that she would take the hint, and go; and he now walked to the window, and looked out. She remained in her chair, thinking.

Churchill's scheme of recruiting at Queenstown may furnish "matter for congratulation, as Irish boys make excellent bluejackets happy of disposition, amenable to discipline, and extremely quick and handy."

On the same day he received three telegrams from Dublin all offering engagements to lecture; also an offer from the Cork Steamship Company to appear in Queenstown harbor in his suit where they would run excursions. The Dublin offers he left in the hands of Manager Murphy while he accepted the offer of the Steamboat Company.

The wine could be thrown overboard, and as no more could be obtained during the voyage, the good conduct of the young tippler would be insured, at least till the ship reached Queenstown, which was the port to which she was bound. With the two bottles in his hands, the chaplain returned to the professors' cabin. Mr. Lowington was on deck.

The American loss was seventeen killed and forty-five wounded, and that of the British ninety killed, one hundred and sixty wounded, and over one hundred prisoners. It will be remembered that about a year before Colonel Scott was for a short time a prisoner at Queenstown.

But we must go back a little. Paul Montague had received a telegram from his partner, Hamilton K. Fisker, sent on shore at Queenstown from one of the New York liners, requesting him to meet Fisker at Liverpool immediately. With this request he had felt himself bound to comply.

We should only have just stopped off at Kildare Villa to say goodbye, any way." "It's a pity we don't stop at Queenstown. He could have come out on the tender." "Perhaps he would, and then perhaps he wouldn't. It would depend on just how he felt halloo, Lucy you up already?" "I couldn't lay abed longer this beautiful morning," exclaimed Lucy as she came up to them. "Isn't this glorious!

Several Atlantic liners are late, and reports have come by wireless of a number of strange cruisers off Queenstown. Personally, I don't think that anything definite has been done. The moment to strike isn't yet. The Admiralty have been working like slaves to get coal to their fleet." "You came alone?" Maraton enquired. Ernshaw nodded.

Presently the work of transfer was ended, the tenders cast off, and at 1.30 P.M., with the screws churning up the sea bottom again, the Titanic turned slowly through a quarter-circle until her nose pointed down along the Irish coast, and then steamed rapidly away from Queenstown, the little house on the left of the town gleaming white on the hillside for many miles astern.