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Lowington bowed, and descended to the cabin to finish his supper, which had been interrupted by the event described. What the professors said about the affair was not known to the boys; but Shuffles was warmly praised for the moderate but skilful measures he had used in the capture of the rebels.

If we show that we are still wide awake, Lowington will take us with him, because he will not dare to leave us on board." "He will leave Fluxion with us." "Not much! I heard some of the fellows say that Fluxion was going to Italy to see his mother, or his sister, or somebody that is sick there." "I heard that."

Lowington, the principal of the Marine Academy, who is here with his students, assured me you were safe." "I am safe, father, thanks to Captain Shuffles," replied Feodora, turning to the young commander. "His Lordship, the Earl of Blankville," interposed Sir William, introducing the hero of the day. The gentleman grasped the hand of Shuffles, and expressed his gratitude in the warmest terms.

Lowington every moment of time since the two vessels of the squadron parted company the day before had been burdened with the most intense solicitude for the fate of the consort and her crew. The fact that she had been dilatory in taking in sail, when no one could know at what instant the squall would break upon her, had indicated a degree of recklessness which increased his anxiety. Mr.

The letter and several exercises written by Paul were first placed on the cabin table, to enable Mr. Lowington to compare the penmanship. "There is a strong similarity in them, I grant; but they are all written in the common school-boy hand of the United States," added the principal. "There is a stronger resemblance than that. The capital A's are the same; the small r's are identical."

"Of course he did: you say Shuffles told you Lowington knew all about it; and I suppose he has been on the watch to find some fellows at it so as to make an example of them." "That's the whole of it. We might as well throw the props overboard now." Mr. Lowington returned to the cabin, where he had left Paul Kendall.

Of course the students were glad enough to get away from their lessons; and all of them stampeded from the steerage, in spite of my protest, and without even a word of apology." "Did they?" added Mr. Lowington, with difficulty avoiding the disrespect of laughing in the face of the learned gentleman.

It was impossible to get the ship under way with less than thirty seamen, and he felt that his powers were exhausted. Fortunately, Mr. Lowington, who had heard the boatswain's pipe, came on deck at this critical moment. "Didn't I hear the boatswain's pipe?" asked the principal, surprised to find only a few hands in the waist.

"All who have drawn even numbers will take the starboard side of the ship," said Mr. Lowington from his perch on the hatch. "All who have drawn odd numbers will take the port side." "This is the starboard side, my lads," added Mr. Fluxion, the instructor in mathematics who, like the principal, had been a naval officer, as he pointed to the right, looking forward.

They are exceedingly well managed, and very few accidents occur upon them; but they run at a low rate of speed, compared with the English railways. The fares are about three cents a mile, which is below the average in Europe. Mr. Lowington selected a compartment in one of the carriages, and arranged his party so as to transact the disagreeable business on hand during the trip. Dr.