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Wilfrud, becas I'm a widde and just an abom'nation to garls, poor darlin's! And twenty shindies per dime we've been havin', and me such a placable body, if ye'll onnly let m' explode. I'm all powder, avery bit! and might ha' been christened Saltpetre, if born a boy. She hasn't so much as a shot to kill a goose, says Chump, poor fella! But he went, annyway. I must kiss somebody when I talk of 'm.

There 'll be a lunch-counter in the new station; do you think you could run it? says he, spaking very sober. "'I 'd do my best, sir, annyway, says I. 'I 'd look out for the best of help. Do you know Patrick Quin, sir, that was hurt on the Road and gets a pinsion, sir? "'I do, says he. 'One of the best men that ever worked for this company, says he.

"How came ye to larn the language, annyway?" demanded the priest. "I have wandered to and fro in the earth a good deal," replied Heller. "I have performed some of my best black-art in these islands."

Quelle vie what life!" To this Macavoy said: "Spit-spat! But what the devil good does all yer thinkin' do ye, Pierre? It's argufy here and argufy there, an' while yer at that, me an' the rest av us is squeezin' the fun out o' life. Aw, go 'long wid ye. Y'are only a bit o' hell and grammar, annyway.

"Why we leaves 'em alone an' goes to de nex' farm an' calls up K. C. an' tips off de dicks, see?" "Youse don't tink we'll get any o' dat five hun, do youse, wit de dicks in on it?" The other scratched his head. "No," he said, rather dubiously, after a moment's deep thought; "dey don't nobody get nothin' dat de dicks see first; but we'll get even with dese blokes, annyway."

Jo Gordineer interrupted. "Say, Shon, when'll you be through that tobogan ride of yours? Aint there any end to it?" But Shon was looking with both eyes now at the collaborators, and he sang softly on: "And it's keen as the frost when the summer-time dies, That we rode to the glen and with never a fear." Then he added: "The end's cut off, Joey, me boy; but what's a tobogan ride, annyway?"

"Patience, Sweeny," smiled Thurstane. "We must be nearly through the cañon." "An' where will we come out, Liftinant? Is it in Ameriky? Bedad, we ought to be close to the Chaynees by this time. Liftinant, what sort o' paple lives up atop of us, annyway?" "I don't suppose anybody lives up there," replied the officer, raising his eyes to the dizzy precipices above.

Louderer thought it should have been saved until next day, so she said to Frau O'Shaughnessy, "We hate to eat your hen, best you save her till tomorrow." But Mrs. O'Shaughnessy answered, "Oh, 't is no mather, 't is an ould hin she was annyway." So we enjoyed the "ould hin," which was brown, juicy, and tender. When we had finished supper and were drinking our "tay," Mrs.

Tell me how you're getting on, annyway. "Oh, ho!" cried Dennis. His providence was wide awake now, had made its toilet, and was ready for business. For a long while Dennis sat with the letter in his hand, gazing, with unseeing eyes, upon its eccentric chirography. His exultation had not fully materialized.

She took a long look at Johnny, who was dressed even more carefully than if it were a pleasant Sunday. "This don't be your train, annyway," she answered, in a meditative tone. "How come you here now all so fine, I 'd like to know, riding in the cars like a lord; ain't you brakeman yet on old twinty-four?" "'Deed I am, Mrs. Ryan; you would n't be afther grudging a boy his day off? Where's Nora?"