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This deed accomplished, they went farther into the cave, which to their great surprise contained a thousand things they never expected to find there heaps of grain, sacks of flour, barrels of wine, casks of brandy, quantities of chestnuts and potatoes; and besides all this, chests containing ointments, drugs and lint, and lastly a complete arsenal of muskets, swords, and bayonets, a quantity of powder ready-made, and sulphur, saltpetre, and charcoal-in short, everything necessary for the manufacture of more, down to small mills to be turned by hand.

Dried or smoked goose breast must be prepared in the following manner: Take the breast of a fat goose; leave the skin on; rub well with salt, pepper and saltpetre; pack in a stone jar and let it remain pickled thus four or five days. Dry well, cover with gauze and send away to be smoked. Remove skin.

For yellow gold, dissolve in water 6 ozs. of saltpetre, 2 ozs. of copperas, 1 oz. of white vitriol, and 1 oz. of alum. If wanted redder, add a small portion of blue vitriol. Dissolve in water a mixture consisting of 1-1/2 oz. of saltpetre; vitriol and sal-ammoniac, 1-1/4 oz. of each, and 1 oz. verdigris.

Theirs, on the contrary, is lighter coloured in point of fact, quite white, from the saltpetre tossed to the top by the hooves of their galloping horses. The gaucho every now and then casts a glance over his shoulder, to assure himself of the sun's disc being true behind their backs; and in this manner they press on, still keeping up the pace at which they had started.

Like all royal visitors, the duchesses were conducted over the arsenal, which Commines justly calls the finest thing of the kind in the whole world, and were shown not only the fleet of a hundred ships in port, but the galleys in course of construction, the men making the oars, the women and children at work on the sails and ropes, the sulphur and saltpetre mills, and the splendid armoury, all enclosed within lofty walls, and guarded by twin towers crowned with the winged lion.

The majority of Tibetan men outside the towns possessed matchlocks. Gunpowder was made in the country with saltpetre and sulphur. The Rupun, seeing how quick I was at picking up Tibetan words, took a special delight in teaching me, as one would a child, the names of the several grades in the Tibetan army.

The sausages must be pricked with a fork before they are dressed, or they will burst in the frying. Serve them on stewed red cabbage, or mashed potatoes put in a form, and browned with a salamander. The following is the way of making excellent sausages to eat cold. Season some fat and lean pork with salt, saltpetre, black pepper, and allspice, all in fine powder.

The small leaves are dried in the sun and powdered, and then put into huge jars and filled with water. Next morning these are stirred with long poles, producing a dark-blue frothy mixture; this is left to settle, and then the indigo is taken from the bottom and spread out on cloths to drain; the substance thus procured is taken home and mixed with dates and saltpetre.

Take pulverized saltpetre, moisten it, and subject it to the action of a slow fire until completely dried and granulated, of this take 75 parts, purified sugar 12 and a-half parts, moisten and grind together till completely blended, which will require several hours, pulverize on heaters till dried.

"`Not a bit of it, responded Harry, also grinning at the thought of these well-known specifics. `I would rather it should turn out saltpetre and sulphur. Then we could make lots of gunpowder. "Harry was a great shot as we have seen and one of his fears was, that our stock of powder would run out. "`Do not wish for that, Harry, said his mother. `Gunpowder we can do very well without.