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Updated: November 9, 2024
"Father Du Cerceau for his work made use of a French translation of the life by the Italian contemporary printed in Bracciano, 1624, executed by Father Sanadon, another Jesuit, from whom he received the MS. This proves that Du Cerceau knew little of our 'volgar lingua' of the fourteenth century. Il francese traduce.
The tonsor inequalis is inevitably betrayed when he takes the shears in his hand; is it not true, Messer Bardo? I speak after the fashion of a barber, but, as Luigi Pulci says "`Perdonimi s'io fallo: chi m'ascolta Intenda il mio volgar col suo latino."
The Volga gave it to me, and the Volga has taken it back. It did not tear off my hand." "Nevertheless." "What nevertheless? It is good at least that I saw how it was all done. It's a lesson for the future. But when my 'Volgar' was burned I was really sorry I didn't see it. How beautiful it must have looked when such a woodpile was blazing on the water in the dark night! Eh?
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