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Updated: January 10, 2025
Drusus burst out into a hearty, boyish laugh. "My dear uncle," cried he, "for do let me call you so, I would have you know that when I take Cornelia I have dowry sufficient. Thanks to old Vibulanus's will, I may call myself passing wealthy. As far as I am concerned, you may pay over the marriage portion to my heirs, if so you wish." Lentulus seemed considerably relieved.
Many were his congratulations upon Drusus's manly growth, and many more upon the windfall of Vibulanus's fortune, which, as he declared, was too securely conveyed to the young man to be open to any legal attack. But when Drusus intimated that he expected soon to invite the good man to his marriage feast, Flaccus shook his head. "You will never get a sesterce of Cornelia's dowry," he declared.
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