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There is no other standard as widely used as ASCII right now, even Unicode, a "universal" encoding system created in 1991. But a large scale conversion into other formats is handed over to other organizations. What is entailed exactly, once copyright clearance is received? Digitization is done by scanning the book page after page to get "image" files.

Project Gutenberg also publishes books in well-known formats like HTML, XML or RTF. There are Unicode files too. But a large scale conversion into other formats is handed over to other organizations. Or Manybooks.net, which converts Project Gutenberg's books into formats readable on PDAs. Or Wattpad, a free service for reading and sharing stories on a mobile phone.

PG Europe operates under "life +50" copyright laws. DP Europe supports Unicode to be able to proofread books in numerous languages. Created in 1991 and widely used since 1998, Unicode is an encoding system that gives a unique number for every character in any language, contrary to the much older ASCII that was meant only for English and a few European languages.

It is the assurance collections will never be obsolete, and will survive future technological changes. The goal is to preserve the texts not only over decades but over centuries. There is no other standard as widely used as ASCII right now, even Unicode, a "universal" encoding system created in 1991.

Unicode is an encoding system created in 1991 that gives a unique number for every character in any language. From the Past to the Future