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A malicious Quincy paper used always to refer to this town, in derision as 'Stavely's Landing. Stavely was one of my earliest admirations; I envied him his rush of imaginary business, and the display he was able to make of it, before strangers, as he went flying down the street struggling with his fluttering coat. But there was a carpenter who was my chiefest hero.

The news swept abroad over the whole island that the palladium of the public liberties was lost maybe treasonably destroyed. Within thirty minutes almost the entire nation were in the court-room that is to say, the church. The impeachment of the chief magistrate followed, upon Stavely's motion. The accused met his misfortune with the dignity which became his great office.

A malicious Quincy paper used always to refer to this town, in derision as 'Stavely's Landing. Stavely was one of my earliest admirations; I envied him his rush of imaginary business, and the display he was able to make of it, before strangers, as he went flying down the street struggling with his fluttering coat. But there was a carpenter who was my chiefest hero.

A malicious Quincy paper used always to refer to this town, in derision as 'Stavely's Landing. Stavely was one of my earliest admirations; I envied him his rush of imaginary business, and the display he was able to make of it, before strangers, as he went flying down the street struggling with his fluttering coat. But there was a carpenter who was my chiefest hero.