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Maunder, at Mauritius, despite mischievous atmospheric tremors, obtained with the Newbegin telescope an excellent series of coronal pictures. The principles of explanation applied to the corona may be briefly described as eruptive and electrical. The first was adopted by Professor Schaeberle in his "Mechanical Theory," advanced in 1890.

Professor Schaeberle, of the Lick Observatory, took, almost without assistance, at Mina Bronces, a mining station 6,600 feet above the Pacific, fifty-two negatives, eight of them with a forty-foot telescope, on a scale of four and a half inches to the solar diameter.

The dark bands, thus viewed to better advantage than in 1884, appeared to deviate no more than 10° from the satellites' orbit-plane. No definitive results, on the other hand, were derived by Professors Holden, Schaeberle, and Keeler from their observations of Uranus in 1889-90 with the potent instrument on Mount Hamilton.

In 1896 the companion of Procyon was discovered by Professor Schaeberle at the Lick Observatory. Now, by the refined parallax determinations of Gill at the Cape, we know that of Sirius to be 0".38.

A theory on very much the same lines was, moreover, worked out by M. Bélopolsky in 1897. Schaeberle, however, had the merit of making the first adequate effort to deduce the real shape of the corona, as it exists in three dimensions, from its projection upon the surface of the sphere.