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And he is brave like unto the lord of the celestials and forgiving like unto the Earth herself! Aswapati then said, 'And is the prince Satyavan liberal in gifts and devoted to the Brahmanas? Is he handsome and magnanimous and lovely to behold? Narada said, 'In bestowal of gifts according to his power, the mighty son of Dyumatsena is like unto Sankriti's son Rantideva.

They that are good and wise deserve to have even the prince of steeds, called Uchchaisravas, belonging to Indra himself. Sankriti's son Rantideva, having given only lukewarm water to the high-souled Vasishtha, ascended to heaven and received high honours there.

Aswapati then said, "And is the prince Satyavan liberal in gifts and devoted to the Brahmanas? Is he handsome and magnanimous and lovely to behold?" Narada said, "In bestowal of gifts according to his power, the mighty son of Dyumatsena is like unto Sankriti's son Rantideva. In truthfulness of speech and devotion unto Brahmanas, he is like Sivi, the son of Usinara.

When he, O Srinjaya, who far surpassed thee in the four principal attributes and who was purer than thy son, fell a prey to death, do not grieve for thy son that is dead. We hear, O Srinjaya, that Sankriti's son Rantideva also fell a prey to death.