Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: December 31, 2024
Moreover, the Great Russians, as the ruling race, are to be found in small numbers in all quarters of the Empire. They amount to about 40,000,000. These, together with the Rusniaks, amount to 16,370,000. The Cossacks come under these two races. To the great Russians belong the Don Cossacks, with those sprung from them the Kouban, Stavropol, Khoperski, Volga, Mosdok, Kizlarski and Grebenski.
These plains are inhabited by various races the Magyars, who are the dominant people; the Wallachs, who dwell in the easternmost districts; the Germans, Saxons, and Shecklers. South-west of the Carpathians live the Slovaks; in Croatia and Servia the Croat Serbs; and in the provinces south-east of the Carpathians are the Rusniaks or Ruthenians.
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