United States or Dominican Republic ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Rankings based on mathematical calculations of scores are absolutely useless and childish, unless tempered by common sense. The question of the fitness of conditions of play can never be standardized. In America you play only if clear. In England sometimes when clear but more often in rain, judging by the events I swam through in my recent trip.

"I tell you," continued the divine, "that your rankings and your ridings your neighings and your prancings your bloody, barbarous, and inhuman cruelties your benumbing, deadening, and debauching the conscience of poor creatures by oaths, soul-damning and self-contradictory, have arisen from earth to Heaven like a foul and hideous outcry of perjury for hastening the wrath to come hugh! hugh! hugh!"

It was Cadet Medart now, no longer Cadet-Candidate, #1 of the Class of 2516! At least, he cautioned himself, until regular academic rankings started coming out. Then he'd be working hard to keep his rating, with the rest working equally hard to take it over but for today, coming through Test Week on top was plenty of grounds for satisfaction.

"I tell you," continued the divine, "that your rankings and your ridings your neighings and your prancings your bloody, barbarous, and inhuman cruelties your benumbing, deadening, and debauching the conscience of poor creatures by oaths, soul-damning and self-contradictory, have arisen from earth to Heaven like a foul and hideous outcry of perjury for hastening the wrath to come hugh! hugh! hugh!"