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Patronizin' a Britisher!!! A critter that has Lucifer's pride, Arkwright's wealth, and Bedlam's sense, ain't it rich? Oh, wake snakes and walk your chalks, will you! Give me your figgery-four Squire, I'll go in up to the handle for you. Hit or miss, rough or tumble, claw or mud-scraper, any way, you damn please, I'm your man." But to return to my narrative.

Patronizin' a Britisher!!! A critter that has Lucifer's pride, Arkwright's wealth, and Bedlam's sense, ain't it rich? Oh, wake snakes and walk your chalks, will you! Give me your figgery-four Squire, I'll go in up to the handle for you. Hit or miss, rough or tumble, claw or mud-scraper, any way, you damn please, I'm your man." But to return to my narrative.

Seizing Beck by the nape of the neck, with a dexterous application of hand and foot he sent him spinning into the kennel. "Go to Jericho, mud-scraper!" cried Bill, in a voice of thunder; "and if ever thou sayst such a vopper agin, 'sparaging the characters of them 'ere motherless babes, I'll seal thee up in a 'tato-sack, and sell thee for fiv'pence to No. 7, the great body-snatcher.

Seizing Beck by the nape of the neck, with a dexterous application of hand and foot he sent him spinning into the kennel. "Go to Jericho, mud-scraper!" cried Bill, in a voice of thunder; "and if ever thou sayst such a vopper agin, 'sparaging the characters of them 'ere motherless babes, I'll seal thee up in a 'tato-sack, and sell thee for fiv'pence to No. 7, the great body-snatcher.