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When I saw from my window the niece walking with these German girls, I went into the garden and met them. I called one of them, and asked her who she was. She told me, boldly, that she was a Countess Palatine of Lutzelstein. "By the left hand?" I asked. "No," she replied, "I am not illegitimate; the young Count Palatine married my mother, who is of the house of Gehlen."

When I saw from my window the niece walking with these German girls, I went into the garden and met them. I called one of them, and asked her who she was. She told me, boldly, that she was a Countess Palatine of Lutzelstein. "By the left hand?" I asked. "No," she replied, "I am not illegitimate; the young Count Palatine married my mother, who is of the house of Gehlen."

Here, in olden times, used the high and powerful lords of Lutzelstein, Dagsberg, Leiningen, and Fénétrange, to fight clad in mail from head to foot. Here the eldest son of the Church and the rulers of the Holy Roman Empire exchanged blows in the Middle Ages with swords two yards long.

When I saw from my window the niece walking with these German girls, I went into the garden and met them. I called one of them, and asked her who she was. She told me, boldly, that she was a Countess Palatine of Lutzelstein. "By the left hand?" I asked. "No," she replied, "I am not illegitimate; the young Count Palatine married my mother, who is of the house of Gehlen."