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A. Thomas Lilliston knew about it, because he went to the cabin door with an axe, and a boat knife in his hand, in company with the murderers, but he did not go below. Q. Did you live with them aft, afterwards? A. No: I lived in the forecastle, but all on board eat in the cabin. Q. Name all the persons you left on the Island, where you cut the cable of the ship and escaped.

Humphries, a black man, and steward, and Thomas Lilliston. Having accommodated ourselves with as many vegetables and much fruit as could be preserved, we again put to sea, fondly anticipating a successful cruise, and a speedy and happy meeting with our friends.

In the morning, Payne selected four men, viz: Rowland Coffin, Rowland Jones, Cyrus M. Hussey, and Thomas Lilliston, giving them each a musket, some powder and fine shot; declining to give them balls, saying, the report of the muskets would be sufficient to intimidate them.