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After greeting and compliment, none too finely put, but more generous than fitted with Jersey parsimony, the gentleman of Rozel came at once to the point. "My name is none too bad," said he "Raoul Lempriere, of the Lemprieres that have been here since Rollo ruled in Normandy.

In his perplexity, he wandered almost as by instinct to the lodgings of the Lemprieres. He had long been accustomed to regard the simple good faith and courage of Mme. de Maufant as an infallible oracle in cases of conscience. Never had so hard a need for an infallible oracle presented itself to his mind as this.

After greeting and compliment, none too finely put, but more generous than fitted with Jersey parsimony, the gentleman of Rozel came at once to the point. "My name is none too bad," said he "Raoul Lempriere, of the Lemprieres that have been here since Rollo ruled in Normandy.

Lemprieres Tour from Gibraltar to Tangier, Sals, Mogador, &c., and over Mount Atlas, Morocco, &c. 1791. Tully's Letters from Tripoly. 3 vols. 8vo. Much curious information on the domestic life and manners of the inhabitants, and more insight into female manners and character, than is generally gained respecting the females of this part of Africa.

While he is engaged in making his way to the northern extremity of the parish of S. Saviour, where the manor of the Lemprieres was situated, we will anticipate his progress and describe the scene.