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When the little woman first did wake, She began to shiver and she began to shake; She began to wonder, and she began to cry, "Lauk-a-mercy on me, this is none of I!" "But if this be I, as I do hope it be, I've a little dog at home, and he'll know me; If it be I, he'll wag his little tail, And if it be not I, he loudly bark and wail."

"Landlady," cried Vanslyperken, "you'll send for a constable directly. Obey me, or I'll put you down as a party to the robbery which has been committed. I say, a constable immediately. Refuse on your peril, woman; a king's officer has been robbed and ill-treated." "Lauk-a-mercy! a constable, sir? I'm sure you've had a very pleasant jollification."

"Landlady," cried Vanslyperken, "you'll send for a constable directly. Obey me, or I'll put you down as a party to the robbery which has been committed. I say, a constable immediately. Refuse on your peril, woman; a king's officer has been robbed and ill-treated." "Lauk-a-mercy! a constable, sir? I'm sure you've had a very pleasant jollification."

Home went the little woman all in the dark, Up got the little dog, and began to bark; He began to bark, and she began to cry, "Lauk-a-mercy on me, this can't be I!" To return to the Norse tale.