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The first king was Kwo-kin, and received his appointment from the sovereign of the chief Ts'in kingdom in 385. He was succeeded in 388 by his brother, the K'een-kwei of the text, who was very prosperous in 398, and took the title of king of Ts'in. Fa-Hsien would find him at his capital, somewhere in the present department of Lan-chow, Kan-suh.

It is a long way north and west from Lan-chow, and not far from the Great Wall. ~On to Shen-shen and thence to Khoten~ After travelling for seventeen days, a distance we may calculate of about 1500 li, the pilgrims reached the kingdom of Shen-shen, a country rugged and hilly, with a thin and barren soil.

How he is represented as being so may be accounted for in various ways, of which it is not necessary to write. Chang-yih is still the name of a district in Kan-chow department, Kan-suh. It is a long way north and west from Lan-chow, and not far from the Great Wall. Its king at this time was, probably, Twan-yeh of "the northern Leang."