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L'Ile-d'Adam was at that time the nearest station; to day it is Presles, on the intermediate line, which they now took. "This is our station," said Madame de Montgeron, when the train stopped at Montsoult.

Passing this point, and leaving on their left the state road of l'Ile-d'Adam, they drove through a narrow cross-cut, between embankments, by which one mounts directly to the high, plateau that overlooks the town of Presles. The hill was steep, and the pony was out of breath. They were compelled to stop to allow him to rest. "It is not necessary to go any farther," said Henri to his companion.

The Restoration by which time he had become chief of his battalion could not fail to advance his career; and the line was about to have another lieutenant-general added to its roll, when the events of 1830 decided Field-Marshal the Marquis de Prerolles to sheathe his sword forever, and to withdraw to his own estate, near the forest of l'Ile-d'Adam, where hunting and efforts toward the improvement of the equine race occupied his latter years.

L'Ile-d'Adam was at that time the nearest station; to day it is Presles, on the intermediate line, which they now took. "This is our station," said Madame de Montgeron, when the train stopped at Montsoult.

The Restoration by which time he had become chief of his battalion could not fail to advance his career; and the line was about to have another lieutenant-general added to its roll, when the events of 1830 decided Field-Marshal the Marquis de Prerolles to sheathe his sword forever, and to withdraw to his own estate, near the forest of l'Ile-d'Adam, where hunting and efforts toward the improvement of the equine race occupied his latter years.

Passing this point, and leaving on their left the state road of l'Ile-d'Adam, they drove through a narrow cross-cut, between embankments, by which one mounts directly to the high, plateau that overlooks the town of Presles. The hill was steep, and the pony was out of breath. They were compelled to stop to allow him to rest. "It is not necessary to go any farther," said Henri to his companion.

L'Ile-d'Adam was at that time the nearest station; to day it is Presles, on the intermediate line, which they now took. "This is our station," said Madame de Montgeron, when the train stopped at Montsoult.