Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: October 31, 2024
If, on that evening, the Duchess of Hertfordshire had had a bad cold; or if she had decided that it WOULDN'T be rather interesting to go on to that party that Annual Soiree, I think it was of the Inkwomen's Club; or again to go a step further back if she hadn't ever written that one little poem, and if it HADN'T been printed in "The Gentlewoman," and if the Inkwomen's committee HADN'T instantly and unanimously elected her an Honorary Vice-President because of that one little poem; or if well, if a million-and-one utterly irrelevant things hadn't happened, don't-you-know, I shouldn't be here.... I might be THERE, he smiled, with a vague gesture indicating England.
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