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He entered a booth, and partook of ale and ham, feeling that he was in the dregs of calamity. Though the ale did some service in reviving, it did not cheer him, and he had a fit of moral objection to Sedgett's discourse. Sedgett took his bluntness as a matter to be endured for the honour of hob-a-nobbing with a gentleman.

He entered a booth, and partook of ale and ham, feeling that he was in the dregs of calamity. Though the ale did some service in reviving, it did not cheer him, and he had a fit of moral objection to Sedgett's discourse. Sedgett took his bluntness as a matter to be endured for the honour of hob-a-nobbing with a gentleman.

'You old rascal, Tom ! cried Andrew, swinging over the table: 'it's quite jolly for us to be hob-a-nobbing together once more. 'Gad! no, we won't though! I promised Harriet. Eh? What say, Tom? 'Nother pint, Nan? Tom shook his head in a roguishly-cosy, irresistible way. Andrew, from a shake of denial and resolve, fell into the same; and there sat the two brothers a jolly picture.

"To what degraded depths have you sunken! I find you here hob-a-nobbing with thingummybobs and what's-his-names." "Here, I say, hold on!" interrupted the Archæopteryx. "If you mean us, you know, we are " "Thingummybobs and what's-his-names," repeated the Court Glover, waving his hand contemptuously.

'You old rascal, Tom! cried Andrew, swinging over the table: 'it's quite jolly for us to be hob-a-nobbing together once more. 'Gad! no, we won't though! I promised Harriet. Eh? What say, Tom? 'Nother pint, Nan? Tom shook his head in a roguishly-cosy, irresistible way. Andrew, from a shake of denial and resolve, fell into the same; and there sat the two brothers a jolly picture.