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MacAnder's encounter in Richmond Park, to all of them save Timothy, from whom it was carefully kept to James on his domestic beat from the Poultry to Park Lane, to George the wild one, on his daily adventure from the bow window at the Haversnake to the billiard room at the 'Red Pottle, was it known that 'those two' had gone to extremes. It was felt that he must be, and yet, what could be done?

He had been lunching with George Forsyte at the Haversnake. Bosinney and Irene had arrived before them. They were standing in one of the long French windows overlooking the river. Windows that summer were open all day long, and all night too, and day and night the scents of flowers and trees came in, the hot scent of parching grass, and the cool scent of the heavy dews.

He had been lunching with George Forsyte at the Haversnake. Bosinney and Irene had arrived before them. They were standing in one of the long French windows overlooking the river. Windows that summer were open all day long, and all night too, and day and night the scents of flowers and trees came in, the hot scent of parching grass, and the cool scent of the heavy dews.

MacAnder's encounter in Richmond Park, to all of them save Timothy, from whom it was carefully kept to James on his domestic beat from the Poultry to Park Lane, to George the wild one, on his daily adventure from the bow window at the Haversnake to the billiard room at the 'Red Pottle, was it known that 'those two' had gone to extremes. It was felt that he must be, and yet, what could be done?