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The crest of the mountain is within the hachures. Contours. A certain student, when asked by his instructor to define "space," said: "I have it, sir, in my head, but can not put it into words." The Instructor replied: "I suppose that under those circumstances, Mr. , the definition really would not help much."

The handwriting on the label, as I gazed, appeared less and less like script and more like disconnected, scratchy lines or hachures, owing to the formation of lacunae in the inky traces. It became scratchier and scratchier as I wakened. On coming to my senses . . . " "That is enough," we hear Dr. Freud saying, "It is obvious what kind of reflex-action you have in mind!

The attractive character of certain localities in Ireland and abroad, as represented in general geographical maps of polychrome design or in special ordnance survey charts by employment of scale numerals and hachures. In Ireland?

In addition to te above conventional signs, we have CONTOURS to show the elevations, depressions, slope, and shape of the ground. Abroad, HACHURES are much used, but they serve only to indicate elevation, and, as compared to contours, are of little value. They simply show slopes, and, when carefully drawn, show steeper slopes by heavier shading and gentler slopes by the fainter hachures.