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Then came the Giunti, the learned family of the Stephenses, of whom Robert is accredited as the author of the present divisions of our New Testament into chapters, and Henry, author of the great Greek Thesaurus, the most valuable Greek lexicon ever published. To the opprobrium of the age, he died in an almshouse.

Though the Florentine craft never attained the reputation of the Venetian Aldi and Asolani, the Giunti of Rome, the Soncini of Fano, the Stephani of Paris, and Froben of Basel, it had the name, for a time at least, of being one of the most accurate of all presses. To Lorenzo it owed this celebrity.

About this time he also edited for the Giunti some of the anatomical works of Galen. De anatomicis administrationibus, De venarum arterinrumque dissectione, included in the various Juntine editions of Galen. We know very little of his private life at Padua. His most important colleague in the faculty was the famous Montanus, professor of medicine.

Those who would read of the gorgeous catafalque of stucco, woodwork, and painting erected in the Church of San Lorenzo by the Academy, may do so in the pages of Vasari, and in the book called "Esequie del Divino Michel Angelo Buonarroti, celebrate in Firenze dall’ Academia, &c., Firenze, i Giunti, 1564," and Varchi’s "Orazione Funerali," published by the same house at the same date.