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Wall shot three of them, and they proved very good to eat, but they were not new, belonging to the genus Dendrocygna eytoni. June 11. We started early this morning and proceeded along the beach for three or four miles, when we came to another river, similar in its character to the one we crossed on the 8th, with low sandy banks, and dry bushy land on each side.

Pelidna ? like P. MINUTA. Scolopax Australis, LATH. Rhynchaea Australis, GOULD. Porphyrio melanotus, TEMM. Tribonyx ventralis, GOULD. Gallinula immaculata. Rallus Philipensis? Cygnus atratus. Anseranas melanoleuca. Leptotarsis Eytoni, GOULD. Cereopsis Novae-Hollandiae, LATH. Casarka Tadornoides. Biziura lobata, SHAW. Bernicla jubata. Anas Novae-Hollandiae, LATH. naevosa, GOULD. castanea.